02 | Best Friends Forever

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Nina picked up the glass cup with a bamboo lid on it from the abstract designed coffee table, taking a sip from her homemade caramel frappuccino

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Nina picked up the glass cup with a bamboo lid on it from the abstract designed coffee table, taking a sip from her homemade caramel frappuccino. She didn't drink coffee often but was surprisingly in the mood for it today because she was still a bit drowsy even though she slept for about nine hours last night.

She had some things to check off her to-do list today so she'd definitely need the energy that the caffeine would give her.

"Morning baby. Did you make breakfast?" Tyler walked in the living room without a shirt on and a navy blue bottle of Dior Sauvage deodorant in his hand.

"Mhm, it's in the microwave." She said as he leaned over to leave a kiss on her forehead and her lips.

"Thank you.. Look, uh, about yesterday, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you mad. I'm sorry if you feel like I wasn't there for you like I should've been, but that's what God is here for. He is always there for you even I'm not." He apologized and turned the situation into a lesson like he always did.

"You're my husband. He shouldn't be the only one there for me. I didn't marry God, Tyler. I married you." She mumbled without looking away from the TV.

"God is in me, so in a way, you did.. but regardless, He knows how to help you in ways that I can't. There are things that I may never understand because I'm not you, but He was there for you during—you know..He was always there. So look to him for help, not me." He kissed her forehead again before heading into the kitchen to get his plate of food, basically dismissing the conversation without waiting on a response from her.

'Don't look to my literal husband for help, wow. Such great advice.' She thought to herself, deciding not to say anything because she didn't feel like arguing today.

"Is this that baddies show again? What gratification do you get out of watching this?" He said after pressing the start button on the microwave twice to warm his food up on one minute.

"Tyler I really don't feel like arguing today. Can you just let me be? Please." She rolled her eyes, grabbing her frappe off of the table again.

"I'm not trying to argue, I'm actually curious. There is no plot to this lil' show. It's nothing but ghetto black women fighting and yelling over nothing."

"There's white girls and Mexicans too." Nina told him.

"Yeah but they're doing black girl things."

"What does that even m—never mind. Forget it." She waved him off because he was already so close to irritating her.

"You don't want to watch a sermon or something? It's ten in the morning and you're watching this—this show where there's a 'bitch' this and 'bitch' that every two seconds." The curse words sounded so foreign coming from him.

"Nope. I'm fine with what I put on."

"You know, this goes hand in hand with what I was telling you the other day. A First Lady shouldn't be watching things like this, same with the type of music you listen to, and some of the clothes you buy. I'm not even trying to be strict or anything, but really, c'mon now Nina. This is embarrassing." He continued on, agitating her further.

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