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Why her?

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Why her?

Samir used a blue mechanical pencil to write in his journal with his left hand while the side of his face rested in his right one to support his head. He underlined 'her' before drawing a heart with an arrow through it on the side of it, and as he doodled further, his leg slowly stopped bouncing underneath the table.

Why her? Why not her?

I like her more than I let on but I can't do anything about it. I told her that I didn't care about her being married but what sense does that make? Of course I care. He has something that I want. Why wouldn't I care?

Why are feelings so weird? I've known this woman for a week and I'm already journaling about her. How did she manage to make me feel this way? We've done nothing but hug. I thought feelings came from sexual connection for men and emotional connection for women, which explains why she likes me, but where does my attraction come from? We haven't even done anything sexual.

I don't understand. Am I too far gone?

Sex is what forms bonds for most men, especially young men like me. Especially virgins, like me.

I don't even see her as someone I'd have sex with though. I like her too much. The only result of sex is a pleasurable release but I don't see her like that. That's degrading. She's better than a temporary and quick release. She's better than sex. She's too good for me.

My Tinkerbell ✧𑁍.ೃ࿔*:
I love her middle name, Belle. It fits her. She's so sweet and really nosy like Tinkerbell though. I love it.

I miss her.

He let go of his pencil to drag his hands down his face as he became irritated with himself. He knew that he was too far gone the moment he began transferring the sketch of Nina's face onto a canvas to paint it. That's how he expressed his love for people; through his art.

The faces of his parents and his older sister were the only ones he'd ever painted. Sometimes he'd sketch random ones that he saw on the internet or something, but painting them on a canvas? Definitely not. Nina was the first outside of his immediate family.

The whole point of Nina coming to his apartment for the first time last week was so that she could get the painting and take it home, but Samir didn't end up giving it to her because he spontaneously decided to keep it after taking into account that he wouldn't be able to see her as often as he would like since she was in a full blown relationship; a very serious one, at that. He wanted to be able to look at her everyday.

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