18 | Moving On

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Unbeknownst to Nina, Samir was now wide awake and was currently enjoying the feeling of her leaving light kisses all over his face and neck while he 'slept' beside her

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Unbeknownst to Nina, Samir was now wide awake and was currently enjoying the feeling of her leaving light kisses all over his face and neck while he 'slept' beside her. He woke up around ten minutes ago, but knew she'd been kissing him for the last half hour or so.

The kisses were really soft because she didn't want to wake him up since he had to go to work today. It was going on four in the morning and she wanted to love on him before he left for his eight hour shift plus an additional two hours of rush hour traffic and the hour it took to drive there, totaling 11 hours give or take.

She loved spending the weekends with him and the two of them always dreaded when Monday morning rolled around. Unlike the previous two weekends though, Nina wasn't going home to stay. She wasn't about to wait an entire week to see him again. She wanted to wake up to him every morning and lay in his arms at the end of every day.

Tyler texted her a few minutes ago to ask if she could just come home so that they could talk about the elephant in the room, and she knew he was about to kiss the ground she walked on and give her a sob story to get her to stay with him since it was now confirmed that there was another man in the picture.

Her plan was to hear him out just because she unfortunately loved him enough to where she at least wanted to give him closure—or head in the direction of it, but she didn't have any intentions on staying. She was tired of putting her happiness second to his. For once in her life, she wanted to put herself first.

Samir made her the happiest. He put her on a pedestal that she didn't even put herself on and there was no way she would settle for a man who couldn't give her that after five years of her putting her all into him.

It took Samir less than two months to do that. And although they were moving quite fast, Nina didn't regret anything. Even if this doesn't end up lasting as long as they hope, she would forever be grateful to have experienced him. He was her person in this moment and that's all that mattered for now.

"You can stop pretending to be sleep now Mir." Nina said after asking a sip from the bottle of cold Simply Orange juice on the nightstand.

"Smcht. How'd you know?" His eyes opened with a smack of his lips, making her smile.

"You're a natural pouter. Your bottom lip too big—it stick out real far, especially when you sleep. But you try to hide it when you're awake." She flicked it with her fingers, and he smacked his lips again before raising up from the bed.

Nina was glad that he woke up a little earlier than usual. She had about a half hour to spend with him before he had to get ready for work. He hadn't even left yet and she already couldn't wait for him to come back home.

"What you was thinking about ma?" He asked from the bathroom, putting charcoal toothpaste on his electric toothbrush.


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