22 | HBD Nina

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A small frown formed on Nina's face as she began to stir in her sleep, and the frown disappeared when she felt a familiar set of lips on her face

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A small frown formed on Nina's face as she began to stir in her sleep, and the frown disappeared when she felt a familiar set of lips on her face. She reached up to wrap her arms around his neck when he picked her up, sitting down where she previously laid.

"Happy birthday ma ma." Samir spoke quietly to her as she nuzzled her face in the crook of his neck.

"I feel like we just went to bed." She mumbled tiredly.

"Well it's time to get up. Come on." He carried her to the bathroom and placed her down near the sink once they made it.

"Come on ma. I don't wanna be late." He said after watching her stand there for a moment, trying to make herself aware that she was awake as she rubbed at her eye.

"Fine." She grabbed her toothbrush out of the holder on the wall and the toothpaste from out of the top drawer.

Samir went back into the bedroom to grab the two duffel bags from out of his closet and headed to the front of the apartment to put them by the door. He made sure he had his house keys, wallet, and phone in his pocket before going back to the room to get his AirPods.

He sat on the edge of his bed and waited patiently for Nina to get ready—well, on the outside. On the inside he was very impatient. He hated being late for things because it would knock his whole schedule off track which automatically meant that it would be a bad day for him.

"I'm done Samir." Now dressed in a black Body By Raven Tracy set, Nina put her hands in her pockets just as he stood up from the bed. He knew that she had an attitude because she used his whole name.

"I got you breakfast. It's still hot." He took one of her hands out and led her to the kitchen where a bag of Chic-Fil-A was waiting for her. Like magic, her attitude immediately vanished.

She ate some hash browns from her chicken minis meal on the elevator ride down to the first floor, mindlessly following behind Samir without a care in the world. Food was truly the way to her heart.

"Will you tell me where we're going now?" She asked, putting her legs over his once they were inside of the Uber that was waiting on them outside of the lobby.

"To the airport. I already told you."

"You know what I mean smartass." She lightly pushed his head to the side, rolling her eyes at his smile.

Samir didn't have anything big planned for her birthday but he definitely wanted her to enjoy herself and for her to do something she hadn't already done before. He had only been on a plane once but this would be Nina's first time. He loved that he got to be apart of it.

On the way to the airport, Nina finished up her breakfast and washed it down with the new cherry berry lemonade from Chic Fil A by the time they arrived at the departure entrance. It took them half an hour to get through the security checkpoint and to find their gate, but they made it on time and that's all that mattered to Samir.

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