05 | Forgive or Forget?

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Nina sat at the entrance of the neighborhood she and Tyler lived in, trying to see if she was actually about to waltz right back into the house to hear him out, though she couldn't imagine what explanation he would try to give her

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Nina sat at the entrance of the neighborhood she and Tyler lived in, trying to see if she was actually about to waltz right back into the house to hear him out, though she couldn't imagine what explanation he would try to give her.

As much as she wanted to act like she hated him and pretend like she was strong enough to drop him cold turkey, Nina couldn't front like she didn't miss him already. How could she not? She'd been with him every single day for the last five years; they literally hadn't spent a day apart until now.

She ended up back over here after receiving a few texts from Tyler this morning, which seemed to get through to her more than the plethora of messages he sent yesterday and the day before.

She ended up back over here after receiving a few texts from Tyler this morning, which seemed to get through to her more than the plethora of messages he sent yesterday and the day before

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The messages didn't make her feel better but the one where he stated that she was hardly in the mood for him made her want to slap him and that's what got her to come to the house. He pissed her off so much with assuming he was entitled to her body just because they were married.

"Nina," Tyler seemed relieved to see that she was there, wasting no time to wrap her in a hug despite her making no effort to hug him back.

"I'm so sorry Nina. I've never made a mistake like this in my life. You are my life. To think that I'm losing you ov—over a quick nut—I just—I can't apologize enough. I'm so sorry." He kissed the top of her head, and a pout set in on her face as the waterworks started.

"You told her that nobody could ever love me Tyler. Why would you say that? Why would you comfort her over me?" She grabbed his arms, and he tightened his grip on her when she tried pushing him away.

"I can't even answer that baby, I just wasn't thinking.. she was too easy and I guess I just wasn't trying to give that up because I'm a man at the end of the day, a weak one. I lost sight of what was right in front of me. I made a mistake, Nina."

"I'm sorry love. I'll do whatever you want to make it up to you. Anything." He tilted her head up to look at him, wiping underneath her eyes with his thumbs.

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