Episode 17: Shear Strength

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3rd P.O.V.

Master Planner Hideout...

The scene opens up to the Master Planner Hideout with Electro, Tinkerer, and Vulture walking towards the entrance as the doors open up reveal none other than Dr. Octopus.

Tinkerer: Welcome to your lair, Master Planner.

Dr. Octopus: Thank you, Tinkerer.

Electro: I still don't get it, doc. Why didn't you break out with Kraven and me?

 Why didn't you break out with Kraven and me?

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Dr. Octopus: Electro. Always so charmingly uncomplicated. When building a secret empire of super-criminals... the safety and obscurity of a hospital bed has its advantages.

Vulture: Beats prison.

Dr. Octopus: Indeed. The spider brothers are searching for the Master Planner... leaving Octavius free to, well, plan. And I assume, since you sent my arms to retrieve me... we are finally ready to begin?

Tinkerer: Yes. All that remains is calibration and testing.


Y/n was invited by Norman to inspect a demolition that will take place in an abandoned building, right next to Oscorp.

Norman: Y/n, so glad you could make it.

Y/n: Well, you're a hard mentor to say no to, Mr. Osborn. Besides, what teenager doesn't like a little epic destruction now and then?

Norman: Once this old tenement comes down... we'll repurpose the property for a sparkling new OsCorp R&D Tower. Y/n, this is Morris Bench, our demolitions expert.

Morris can be seen setting up a bomb for the demolition.

Y/n: Nice setup. Wireless?

Morris: Completely. When we're clear, I remote activate the countdown... and cascading detonations bring the building down in its own footprint.

Norman's secretary then appears to speak with Norman.

Donald: Excuse me, sir. A word. It's about Toomes. We've had no luck-

Norman: Y/n, go get a good seat for the implosion. I'll join you shortly.

Y/n: Sure. *thought* You heard that right, Anne?

Anne: *thought* Yeah, he mentioned Toomes aka Vulture.

Y/n: *thought* Why would he be concerned about Vulture of all times. I mean we know he's responsible for creating Vulture in the first place but...

Anne: *thought* You believe he's hiding something.

Y/n: *thought* Yeah.

Walking away from the two, they return to their conversation.

Donald: Your operatives scoured the city, but the Vulture is-

Only to be interrupted when Morris started panicking as the countdown started.

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