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Mirana stands next to Tim in a black dress, Tim in a black suit with a black tie and a white shirt as they stare at the coffin draped in the American Flag and the large picture of a smiling Jackson

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Mirana stands next to Tim in a black dress, Tim in a black suit with a black tie and a white shirt as they stare at the coffin draped in the American Flag and the large picture of a smiling Jackson.

Tears are already trickling down Mirana's face and she can see the tears lining Tim's eyes. Isaac babbles loudly, pulling at Mirana's necklace as Percy steps up to speak.

"My son," Percy begins his speech as Mirana shushes Isaac. "Jackson West. He was an example of pure goodness. He was a beacon of light in a world often shrouded in darkness. Jackson lived with an unwavering commitment to kindness, compassion, and service to others. He loved with his entire being and his family, friends and fellow officers meant everything to him. He embodied the values of honour, integrity, and selflessness in everything he did. His courage in the face of adversity inspired all who knew him, and his legacy will continue to shine brightly in our hearts."

Mirana bows her head as the tears begin to pour quicker and Isaac whimpers, resting his hands on his mother's face. Tim carefully takes Isaac from Mirana's arms before wrapping an arm around her as she sniffles quietly.

"I know Jackson will live on," Percy says. "Through his loved ones and the civilians he helped in his short life. He'll live on through the children of his friends who will tell them about the kind, brave fighter he was"

Mirana pulls away from Tim's embrace, joining Lucy and Jackson's parents who embrace the younger women before they all grab a handful of soil. With a handful of soil in her trembling grasp, Mirana approaches Jackson's coffin. Each thud of the soil against the polished wood echoes the finality of the moment, mingling with the collective grief of those gathered.

As everyone else leaves, Mirana crouches down and places the flower charm from her bracelet against Jackson's grave. She reaches out and gently traces her finger over the engravings on the stone.

"Hey J," Mirana whispers. "We all miss you and I'm trying to figure out how the fuck I'm going to live my life without you always being in my corner. "Lamento no haber sido lo suficientemente fuerte para salvarte"

Mirana stares at the grave, hoping for a sign. Something that can prove to her that Jackson is listening or this is all a sick twisted dream.

"I have one thing to ask of you J," Mirana says, biting her lip to stop it from trembling. "I need you to look after them. Please take care of my baby okay? You're the only person I would trust so I need you to love them how Tim and I would have loved them when they were born because we never got to do that"

Mirana bows her head as tears begin to drip from her eyes.

"I only had a few hours to love my baby while they were still living inside of me," Mirana continues, wiping at her eyes. "I will always love them no matter what but I know they're with you now and they couldn't be in better hands. You were going to be their padrino so I suppose this means I know alguien los esta cuidando"

Mirana looks up at the sky as the sun beats down on her as she tries to stop the tears from flowing.

"I don't know how I'm going to do this J," Mirana says, watching the clouds drift by. "I'm barely living at this point. Tim, he's trying his best but right now it feels like even though we have matching wounds, mine are still bleeding but his are now scars. I look in the mirror every day and see more scars that create this ugly map of misery across my body. It's all so fucked and I don't know what to do to make myself feel even slightly sane"

A sunbeam bounces off the small charm and Mirana smiles, nodding her head as she bites her lip.

"Thank you," She whispers. "Duerme ahora, porque no somos mas que cenizas y polvo y nos banaremos en tu luz"

Mirana bows her head, knowing that even in death, Jackson would watch over her and Tim's baby who had never had the chance to breathe. She entrusted him with a sacred duty—to love and protect his godchild as only he could.

AS IT WAS - T. BRADFORDWhere stories live. Discover now