casper x danny

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"Okay, class! Today, we will study algebra!" The teacher happily announced, standing in front of the board.

The students sighed loudly as they took out their computers, booting up magma. A few kids were irritated at the assignments they had, while some others just went with it. Except for Casper and Danny.

Casper sighed, folding his arms. He had left his computer at home and didn't feel like working in the book. His boyfriend Danny faced the same problem, except he didn't know where his computer was.

None of them had their math books, so they decided to just stare at the board. Danny sighed in annoyance, fixing his hat after.

"Calm down, babe. Math is our worst class, but it'll end soon. I think... maybe 55 minutes."

Danny glared at him before sighing and softening up. He threw an arm around the smaller brunette, hugging the boy close to his side.

"I just really hate it, babe. But I'm glad you are here with me, babe. I love you, babe." And as the chitter chatter of their classmates grew, the two boys cuddled together against the wall.

Words: 190

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