nicola x wiggo

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"What in tarnation are ya doin'?" Wiggo asked as he approached his friend. Nicola was following the baking book's instructions as good as he could, but cooking wasn't really his best side.

He panicked, pushing his boyfriend out of the small kitchen, pointing to the small dining room. "It's a fucking surprise! Go and sit the fuck down!!" His tone didn't hold any anger, but rather panic. Wiggo complied, closing the door after him and sitting down.

Nicola continued with what was supposed to be pancakes. He wanted to try and make the recipe even better by adding cocoa, ending up with chocolate pancakes. When he was done, he put them on a plate and sprayed some cream on them.

Sighing, he took the plate and entered the dining room, gulping nervously as Wiggo eyed him curiously. "Here, fucking eat it." He set down the plate of food infront of his boyfriend and sat down beside him.

Wiggo took a bite. Nicola panicked. He couldn't read the other's expression for a few moments, but suddenly the taller blonde's eyes lit up. He took another bite, humming in delight. "This is real good, babe!"

Nicola flushed at the compliment, but waved it off. He watched the other finish the meal, feeling proud he'd done a good job.

Words: 218

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