nicola x juni

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Nicola hadn't really slept much the night before. Juni had texted him, most likely desperate to talk to someone out of boredom, and he'd been kind enough to answer. Kind of.

He knew Juni liked him, even if the girl hadn't outright admitted it yet. He saw the signs though. How fast she would always write back, how her face slightly lit up whenever he walked into the same room as him, and how eager she was to be around him.

Their last class of the day, PE, eventually came up to bite everyone in the ass. Nicola barely paid any mind to whatever they were doing, instead having his eyes set on Juni as she kept to her small group of friends.

Nicola had a plan, a pretty risky one. He'd told Wiggo and Filip, and the two boys had agreed on how much of a risk he'd be taking, but said it was a smart idea he'd had.

He just had to wait for everyone to leave. He'd been making mental notes for the past weeks, and so he knew Juni and her friends always went to change last of everyone. So he waited, he waited outside the girls' changing room.

Eventually, the group came out of the PE hall, laughing and talking to each other. In the back setting her hair up, was the one, Juni. The girls noticed Nicola but quickly hurried in as he sent them a menacing glare. Juni tried to sneak in with the others, but was stopped.

"Hey." He grabbed her arm, pulling her aside as he crossed his arms. "Oh! Uh, hey.." She looked away, trying to hide the giddy smile she had inside, but Nicola could tell. He was about to speak up, but the girl was quicker. "Listen, I gotta change. I'll get the girls to hurry up and you can sneak in... if you want.."

Juni didn't leave any room for Nicola to speak, instead walking into the changing room. He stood there, before mentally agreeing with an annoyed grunt.

After just a few minutes, the small group of girl friends had left, and Juni left the door open to the changing room she was in for Nicola to find. The boy walked in but quickly looked away with a blush as Juni stood by her bag without a shirt on. "Give me a fucking warning!!"

She giggled at his reaction, fixing her black bra. "Sorry, hehe." She put on a random band tee she had and sat down on the bench, signaling for the boy to sit down. Nicola did, but held his little distance.

"So, um.. what did you want?" Juni asked, looking over at the blonde. He avoided her gaze until finally locking eye contact, holding a stern face. "I know you like me."

Her eyes went wide, her mouth forming into an 'O' shape as her cheeks reddened. She quickly giggled under her breath nervously, shaking her head. "No, no! You know I like Filip..." He nodded.

It was true, she had told him. But it wasn't impossible to like two people at the same time. "You're easy to read. I've seen your signs." He finally said after some thought. "You don't have to try and lie."

Juni sighed, looking away. She kept quiet, contemplating what to say. Nicola was growing more impatient by the second, huffing out a sigh. Before he could complain, she opened up.

"I've liked you for a really long time, Nicola. I like Filip too, though... But all those time I made you tell me things about him, I did it more for the sound of your voice than I did for the knowledge. I've just been scared to say anything."

She hesitated again, before pushing closer, their arms touching. Nicola held his poker face, but he couldn't keep control of his growing boner.

The taller girl continued spewing her heart out, but no attention was on her words. Nicola was focusing on trying not to get an obvious boner, but everything seemed to be triggering him.

Her arm against his, their skin touching, her soft words, her avoiding eyes, her tight shirt... If she caught him, he would kill himself from embarrassment. He tried leaning away, but she just leaned in, finally finishing her blabbering.

The amount of silence from Nicola concerned the girl, and so Juni looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. "Uhh... Nicola? You okay?"

Her hand came up to try and touch his face, but he quickly stopped her, gripping his wrist tightly. His breathing was more ragged than normal. She didn't say anything, giving the boy time to think.

He slowly brought Juni's hand down to rest by her side, before his free hand began hesitantly making its way to her body. Nicola bit his lip, and finally cupped her breasts.

The girl's cheeks flushed and she looked at her classmate in surprise. The sensation felt weird, she hadn't been in an intimate relationship for a while and had forgotten how everything felt.

She wanted to speak up, but the blonde leaned in and kissed her, both of them closing their eyes. One hand on her breast, his other went to the back of her head, holding the two in place.

Juni's hands wrapped themselves around the boy's torso, one of them tangling into the blonde strands and lightly pulling. They made out for who knows how long, before finally parting to breathe.

The two teenagers didn't say anything, opting to just stare into each other's eyes. They sat staring for a while, not giving a single care to anything else than their newfound love.

Words: 945

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