nicola x wiggo

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The lightning struck loudly outside as the raindrops assaulted the window. A storm had made its way to Wiggo's place just as him and his boyfriend were playing fortnite. The power had gone out, forcing the boys to sit in the dark.

"What the fuck????" Nicola groaned, his arms crossed under the blanket. Him and Wiggo were cuddled up together as the room had gone colder during the night.

A lightning struck down outside, forcing a frightened yelp out of the younger blonde. Wiggo quickly pulled his boyfriend close, comforting him. "Shh babayyy... it's okay, my lil' Nicola... this thund'r ain't gone hurt ya."

Nicola felt a tear slide down his cheek, but he quickly wiped it away and hugged his boyfriend. He whined, shoving his face into Wiggo's neck. The taller blonde didn't mind, pulling the blanket up so it covered Nicola.

The storm outside didn't cease, but it didn't matter as the two boys had eventually fallen asleep.

Words: 162

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