filip x nicola

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The mixer screeched loudly as it started working with the dough. "I don't know, man. I'd say you're doing pretty well!" Filip complimented, watching as his friend struggled to hold the electric mixer still with one hand.

"Shut the fuck up! I need to fucking concentrate!" The two boys were baking a cake; at least trying to. Juni's birthday was in 2 days, and stupidly enough, Nicola and his friends had promised to bake a cake for her.

Wiggo had gotten sick and was forced to stay at home by his mother. So, that left Filip and Nicola with almost zero baking skills and 2 days left to work.

Filip grinned. "What if she doesn't like chocolate? What do we do then, dude?" Nicola groaned in response, kicking his friend's leg in irritation. "Of course she fucking likes chocolate! Every girl likes fucking chocolate!! Now stop fucking distracting me!!!"

The brunette shut himself up, choosing to watch the blonde boy mix all the ingredients.

He hoped she liked chocolate.

Words: 171

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