1) A new turn

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Porsche POV:

My lungs are burning I can't breathe.The image of my nong Chay hopefully waiting for me to return blurred.
Maa Paa I am struggling. I wish I could ask them to take me with them but I can't. Chay is waiting for me. I can't leave my brother alone to struggle with these monsters.

I can't...Maa...Paa

I can't open my eyes yet I hear voices a lady talking in some medical terms and a man cursing.
I battled and opened my eyes to witness a man in his twenties wearing a deep red colour dress with some floral design that hugs his body tightly. I noticed his high heel shoes when he walked towards me.
I am confused! where am I? Where is Chay? He must be waiting for me. I left him with a old lady who sells food in Streets. I begged her to give him food and promised to return with money
I was about to jump out of the hospital bed but stopped by the red guy. I noticed my right elbow was dressed when I gave force to get down the bed.

"You must stay and rest until you heal baby" the red guy said.

I am not a baby! Leave me! my brother is waiting for me. I have to go find him.
I argued with the red guy.

I thrashed and fought him for about 15 mins and stopped when he mentioned to bring my brother here. I was scared to let people near my brother. I don't want anyone near him.

When I hesitated he promised me to bring Chay safely to me. I have no other option left than to believe him and nodded my head yes.

He radiated a big smile and asked about the location details.The lady doctor checked me and I was given a bowl of hot shrimp porridge with some pills. It was hard to swallow at first but eventually the hot porridge gave a soothing sences to my shivering body.
For about an hour I saw Chay at the door with two men in black suits He ran towards me and we hugged tightly. I heard his sob it made my heart ache seeing him cry. I patted his head assuring.
The red guy convinced me to take us with him. He promised to provide shelter for me and Chay.

We were standing in front of a big house more like a palace.I noticed there are guards everywhere. A big fountain in the middle. Chay rushed towards the fountain but was stopped by guards I was about to reach for him when a guy around my age stopped the guards. He let Chay play. I was a little bit happy seeing Chay smile but the protective instinct that I grew for Chay made me not trust anyone.

In the span of time staying here I learnt about Thakhun's family.He is a Theerapanyakul. The richest family in Thailand.They run more business across the country.After three weeks my wounds healed I am ready to do my job that Korn Theerapanyakul the head of the family offered.He also put my brother into the same school Kim goes. I came to know it's their school that doesn't mean it's for free.

I must work hard and be loyal to them for providing me and my brother. My job is to clean the shooting yard.

I heard about the three Theerapanyakul sons the eldest is Thakhun Theerapanyakul, middle Kinn Anakin Theerapanyakul and the youngest Kimhan Theerapanyakul. I have seen the two brothers never seen the middle son...heard he is on a business tour.

We were given a small room in the staffs area. It's more comfortable than the cold floors we slept for two years.

Chay is excited about going to school and I am really glad Kim is taking good care of him while I am working and in school. He also helps him with his homework. I am a little jealous that Kim spent more time with Chay than me but I am glad.

It's been a month I am now familiar with staffs. I do not only clean the shooting rage but also do laundary, clean the swimming pool,help the maid with cleaning and shopping groceries. I really feel safe here there is food, they gave me uniforms, gave selter and more over Chay goes to school.

(A.N: Should I tell Po, he is actually in a Lion's den ? )

The Kitchen staff were preparing a dinner feast for Kinn as he is returning Thailand today. Miss Erica, the head staff said he was in Londan for a month and missed spicy Thai food.

I was asked to clean the dinning table. Wow I have cleaned it perfectly anyone can eat from the table itself hahaha.

I was startled when I bumped into someone. I turned and apologied. He looks gorgeous yet venomous a strand that hangs in his forehead make him look super cool. He looked like a devil dressed in white.

He introduced himself as Vegas Theerapanyakul. I have heard of him. He is the most psychotic Theerapanyakul.

Thakhun has cursed him more than a million times in this one month. Seeing me panicked He smirked and went upstairs maybe to Khun Korn's Office.

Aahh I finished my work for today and went to my room and head straight to take a bath. Chay was sleeping peacefully. Maybe he is tired. I dressed and went out to have my dinner I am super hungry. I took a plate from the staff section and filled my plate with rice and delicious yellow curry. I turned to find a table and bumped into someone. Why the heck am I bumping into everyone today?

Shia! The man's white shirt is filled with yellow curry. I didn't lift my head I just wai and apologised for many times.
Everyone rushed into the scene. I panicked for the second time today.

"Kinn what are you doing here?" Thakhun shouted.

I was in utter shock what have I done! Spilled yellow curry on the next heir of Theerapanyakul.

I looked up to find him staring at me with his dark eyes. That thick eyebrows. I am gonna faint. Fuck! what have I done.


Hi love,
Hope you like the intro part. It's not much. Anyways I will spice it up slowly.
Happy reading.

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