14) Calm Amid Chaos (VP)

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Vegas' POV:
       I heard my apartment's door clicks open. It can be either Macau or PETE?...My eyes swiftly acclimated to the change in brightness when someone switched the lights on. It's Pete! I was sitting on my sofa hanging my head at the backrest. I turned to look at him. I am totally drunk. Pete why did you come here at this time? I am a monster... Please go away...
I can't voice it out. I kept repeating Pete to go away in my mind. Pete sat near me. His face is filled with worry. Does he really worry about me? He looked at the empty eine bottles at the table. "Vegas Did you eat?" He asked me with his melodious voice. I shook my head No. Pete signed and took all the empty bottles from the table. He cleaned the table and went to the kitchen probably to cook something for me. "Pete I have already told you many times not to care about me." I shouted from the hall so that he could hear it. No reply. After about thirty minutes he brought something and placed it on the table. "I am hungry as well" he said and sat near the table. I went down from the sofa and sat near the table to eat. We ate our dinner silently. Pete put the used dishes at the sink and cleaned the table once more. He gave me a glass of water and a hangover tonic. I accepted it without any objection. Pete stretched his hand to lift me. I looked at him and then his hand. There is no point arguing right now. I took his hand and stood up. I can't even stand properly. Pete supported me and took me to my bedroom. He made me sit on bed. I am still in my office clothes. He went to the bathroom and returned with a bowl of water. He placed it at the night table and opened my closet. He came with my night wear and a white towel. I started to remove my shirt buttons. I didn't react much. He then unbuckled my belt and removed my pants as well. I am sitting with only my boxers on. I rested my hand on the bed when Pete started wiping me with the wet towel. Do I look like a child who needs this kind of pampering to him? He asked me to wear the nightdress. I told him no as I want to sleep with only my boxers. It feels more comfortable. He took the nightwear back and came back with a washed boxer. He gave it to me and started arranging the bed. It's not that bad though. I changed into a new boxer. Pete went out and came back with two water bottles. He placed it on the night stand and switched off the light. I am already on the bed. He covered me with sheets and lied next to me. We were both silent the whole time. Pete is lying on his side showing me his back. I know he didn't sleep yet. I rolled near him and cuddled him. I pulled him closer and hugged his torso. I snuggled into his neck.

          "Pete!" I called out his name. Pete hummed back. "Pete you know what you're signing up for right?" I asked him. He hummed again. "You know there is no out from this?" He shook his head yes. "This time I didn't call you? You came by yourself.." I told him as if I was warning him. "I know" he rubbed my hand which is hugging his torso. I don't understand what we are up to. But the things Pete is giving me is what I longed for all my life. I can't run away anymore. I didn't know what made him come back to me even after I behaved like that at the party. I was the one who said what we have is just a causal relationship. But I lost it when I saw him dance with another guy. I fucked him brutally that day. I have hurt him both physically and verbally. Only after I came out of my rage I realised what kind of feeling I have grown towards him. I didn't call him after that incident. I avoided him purposely. Yet he is here. He came to me by himself and I am never letting him go.


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