5) Possession 🔞

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  ⚠️ Adult content ahead. If you wanna skip then it's from the ****** part ⚠️

Porsche's POV :

       Vegas joined us. As soon as we entered the party hall the Theerapanyakul boys took all the attention. The DJ is blasting. People on the dancing floor are going crazy. There were only young people maybe all the heirs of the rich and richest and their bodyguard. Many drinks have been distributed. This place has changed a lot I mean it's upgraded. All credit goes to Thakhun. Yok never allowed me into this place saying it's strictly for adults only and now I am. I have never attended a party like this and I am not missing it.

    We were in a reserved area. It's on the top. No outsiders are allowed here. We can see people dancing from here but they can't see us. Guess it's Theerapanyakul's privilege. Drinks were specially served for us. I feel a bit left out. Everyone here is familiar with someone or something. I took a seat at the corner of the couch but Thakhun pulled me with him. Pete and I are sitting with Thakhun at the centre. Sometimes I really like his affection. He never leaves his baby and son alone (your guess is correct his son is Pete). It feels annoying sometimes but not right now.

    The birthday boy is all over Kinn. Marsh specially served drinks for Kinn. Of course he is very important and everyone needs to please him. Marsh is one of Kinn's bed warmers. I would suggest that they take a room eww. Vegas avoided the chick who tried to seduce him. Maybe she is someone close to Marsh. Everyone knows he is gay then why!?. Thakhun is bitching about Marsh with us. Arm and Pol are enjoying their drinks and dancing. Ken and Big as usual standing stiff on their position, it's fucking party man. Someone new arrived at our place.

   "Khun Thakhun where have you been hiding these two handsomes." a new girl asked.

   " Ohhh Maria you are here too? Meet this is my son Pete and my baby Porsche " Khun introduced us. I can see the embarrassment on Pete's face. We are fucking grownups!.

     " Khun I guess you should take them out frequently" Maria winked at us and sat near me ordering her drinks.

     "Ohh I wanted them to save for best you know. My boys are still Virgins and I took them here especially to get their first mind blowing sex. " Khun proudly announced

     Pete spat his drinks out of shock. Khun never minded talking bullshits. It's true I am a virgin. I didn't plan to lose it today but if I am lucky enough to get Maria then it's fine she is super hot. Kinn, Vegas and Maria talked about some business. Meanwhile we were

    Maria came to me. "I can teach you something good." Maria whispered seductively in my ears." I blushed fuck she smells good. She stood up and kept her drinks on the table looked at me seductively and started walking somewhere. Khun pushed me to follow her. I stood up, kissed Khun's hand and winked at Pete and followed Maria.


   She took me to a quiet and dark place. She pushed me to the wall and kissed my neck. Fuck that was hot. She sucked my pleasure point that even I don't know exists. She removed my t-shirt and started kissing and sucking my torso. I liked her dominance but my ego spiked. I sifted our position. Made her sit on the table beside us. She removed her straps seductively. I am half hard. I sucked her breast and pinched the other one. I stayed there for a good minute. I slid her dress up and removed her underwear. She is fucking wet. I pressed her clit and Circled. I went back to the same duty sucking her other breast. I pushed my middle finger inside her vagina. She moaned after a couple of minutes and added my second finger. It might be my first time but I know things. I found her pressure point and started accelerating my speed. I stuck my fingers looking at her eyes and started removing my pants.

   Bang💥... Bang💥... Bang💥

   I was startled to hear a gun shot. The bulb was shot and the place went dark. We looked at each other confused correcting our dresses. Someone was near the entrance. I went closer to check. Kinn was standing there with his gun.

   " Kinn is there any attack? " I rushed towards him.

     He gripped my collar confusing me more. Kinn dragged me not listening to my protest. What possessed this idiot!.

    " Damn Kinn leave me for fucking sake. " I shouted at him. He violently threw me on the couch where he was stinging a while ago. Khun opened his mouth to protest but Kinn shot the top of the bar many times making everyone go silent. I have no idea what is going on. Did someone accuse me of being a mole? Does he believe it?

     " Kinn! " I opened my mouth but he aimed at me. I was in utter shock. The one who rescued me is pointing the gun towards me.

    " Kinn have you gone crazy? " Khun shouted seeing Kinn like this. Vegas got up from his place. It's not new for him to kill but my instinct told me he'll never shoot me.
He lowered his gun and backed off. Pete tried to come near me but Vegas held him in place. Khun ran to me and stood midway hearing another gun shot. I was startled to see Maria fall down on her back. Kinn shot on her  forehead. I tried to wake from my place to reach her but Kinn forced me to sit.
       Everyone was speechless. Kinn hovered over me and strangled my neck. I tried to push his hands but he is very strong. He removed his hands and took his pocket knife. Is he gonna stab me like he did years ago. Does he think I shared his information with Maria. I am sure he won't kill me but Is he gonna stab me.

     " Kinn stop the nonsense! Put your fucking knife down! Don't you dare hurt my Porsche " Khun tried again.

    " HE IS MINE " Kinn roared looking at Khun. My mind went blank. Kinn tore my t-shirt with his knife. I tried to push him away. He startled over me. He asked Ken for something to tie me and tied my hands up without my will. "Kinn come back to your mind." I was chanting the words like mantra.

    " You are mine! Keep that in your fucking mind. " He hissed

     Kinn stealthily poked the knife into my chest. "Kinn stop it...it's hurting." I screamed in pain.

     "Drop the act Porsche you have a fucking  tattoo on your back and it's nothing. " Kinn argued. I threw my head back in pain. Accepting my fate

    Khun and Pete are held in place by Arm and Arm. No one dares to stop Kinn. He is fucking leader of them shit!. Khun was crying loudly. Despite his loud noises the sharp edge of Kinn's knife etched his name deeply into my chest, a permanent scar to mark his claim.


Hi Peeps,

Please don't hate me for hurting Porsche 😭Kinn! you are too bad... Don't touch my Porsche 😭

Do comment on your thoughts.

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Hit the star so I can know whether to continue this story or not.

Enjoy reading 😊







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