6) Silent Chasms

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Porsche's POV :

      "Porsche eat your lunch,you have already skipped your breakfast" Khun is pestering me to eat. I lost my appetite after Maria's been shot. Even if I don't have any feelings for her I feel guilty. She is dead because of me. I locked myself in Khun's room for the past one week. I am scared to stay in my room Kinn can easily access my room. For my sake Khun didn't allow him. I heard he turned all his welcome decorations into a big "No entry Kinn" board. Khun is always dramatic yet he cares for me.
    Chay and I always had special treatment here. I know Kinn always has a soft corner for me. I thought it was out of pity. I never expected him to be like this. I didn't know this side of Kinn exists. He claimed me and I lost my sense. I don't belong to anyone. My only thought now is to escape from here but Chay is in Paris. Are they gonna blackmail me with Chay!. Arrghhhhhh!

     Porsche... Porsche.... Porsche...

I came out of my trance when Pete shook me. Tears filled my eyes. I hugged Pete and started crying. "Pete I wanna go out...I don't wanna be here... Bring back Chay... Please help us escape..." I plead with him while sobbing. Pete hugged me close and consoled me. Everyone knows there is no escaping from here. I can't run away from Kinn. He is gonna find me anyway. Is Kim treating Chay the same way. I shouldn't have trusted them.
      Dr.Top is here to check my wounds. It's his second visit after that horrible day. He treated my wounds, put in a new dressing Thankfully it's not that deep to damage my organs or nerves but it definitely leaves scars. I feel like killing Kinn for doing this to me. I know I can't escape him. But I am making that bastard Kinn pay for this.

      Khun Korn called me for dinner. I don't wanna meet Kinn right now yet I went down. Khun Korn is sitting at the centre as always. Thakhun is sitting at him left and Kinn at his Right. There is this new man sitting beside Kinn. He looks more like Kinn's type.
Petite and beautiful.
  "Oh Porsche you are here! Come let me introduce you to Tawan." Khun Korn said. I went near him avoiding Kinn's sad look. You can't deceive me idiot.

  "This is Porsche, He is the trainer of our personal bodyguards. He has good skills and is very talented" Khun Korn proudly introduced me to that Tawan guy. Tawan smiled at me. He looks angelic.

  "Porsche Tawan is our business partner's son. He is here for his vacation. He is staying in Theerapanyakul house for a while. I appoint you to assist him." Khun Korn gave me work to do. I accepted it and turned back to leave when Kinn asked me to stay and enquired about the wounds. I neither turned back nor answered him. Damn I hate his audacity. I just left the place and asked the maids to get the guestroom ready for Tawan. I settled his belongings in his room and made sure everything was ready. I went to Khun's room to take my things I already stayed there for a long time. When I entered his room he pulled me to his sofa.
  "Porsche doesn't go near Tawan, He is a bitch who cheated on Kinn" Khun shouted at my eardrum. Haan! Tawan is Kinn's ex or what! I looked at Khun and He answered me yes as if he heard my thoughts. That doesn't concern me. I don't have anything to do with it. Khun Korn assigned me work and I am doing it. I left his room taking all my belongings.
     Arrghh! Here I am standing in the mall carrying all his shopping bags. Tawan asked me to take him to the mall. At the last minute Kinn volunteers to tag along with Tawan. Why do I have to face this bastard again and again. The way Tawan is holding Kinn doesn't seem like what Khun said. They look more like a couple to me. Tawan asked me to buy him bubble tea. When I went back to give him his bubble tea I saw them kissing. For fucking sack we are in public. Why can't they behave. Kinn pushed Tawan away when he noticed me. He tried to tell me something but I was not in the mood to listen. I can't with these two. They are giving me a headache.

    "You bitch! take your filthy hands off of my brother" Khun shouted from nowhere. I am somehow relieved Khun is here. I don't need to handle this alone now. Khun rushed to pull Tawan's hair but I stopped him from doing it.

  "Porsche! Pete! leave me! this bitch is here to mess with my brother. I am not letting him come near my brother. Bitch I am gonna pull your fake mask this time." Khun threw his tantrum. Finally me and Pete took him to the noodle shop. Pete promised him to make a plan to take Tawan out of his house. Arm and Pol made sure to guard Kinn and Tawan. This is totally unexpected but favoured me.We went back home late in the evening spending time at the mall. We also watched an action movie.

    Tawan asked me to massage his feet. I was not good at it so I went to the suna section to ask a professional massager to accompany me. We went inside his room. He was sitting in his bed in a bathrobe. The lady started giving him a massage. I stood there silently. Something is off with this guy. She left when she completed her work. I bid him my good night and turned to leave. He made a pain noise. So I went near to inquire. He asked me to check the floor for any sharp objects but nothing was there. Suddenly he put his leg on my left shoulder. I looked up at him surprised and clueless. He pushed further and my wounds started to bleed. I hissed in pain.

   "So it's true that Kinn claimed you by engraving his name in your chest?" Tawan asked me. I was silent. Why should I answer this nonsense. He put his leg down and came near me. "You can never take Kinn from me He is Mine,So stay away from him" Tawan warned me. I stood up and left the room without a word. I am fed up with this Mine game. Kinn is putting me in more uncomfortable situations. Fuck you Kinn!

Hi peeps,

    When I started this story I had no idea about marriage. Now I am leading this story to marriage and soon you will see children as well(Adoption).

Comment on your thoughts about my new idea.

Hit the star to motivate me.

Happy reading😊
Have a nice day 🥰








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