18) Monster (VP)

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Vegas' POV:


    "Are you really my son? Or your mother is a whore." another slash pierced my back. My hands were chained and I was made to kneel on the floor while my dad was slashing me with a wipe. I can feel my skin open and bleed. I am drenched with sweat. "You are no use to me. Do you know how much that Kittisawat brothers worth. You said you're gay, Can't you seduce him. Useless. His parents left a Will for both of them. Korn is a fox to announce their marriage. Kinn is wiser to choose Porsche as his partner. Porschay is with Kim in Paris. Those two brothers took all their assets but you both are useless. Hooking around with cheap whores." Dad swore and beat me until he was satisfied. He pulled my Chin harshly to make me look at him. "Look I don't know what you will do. Seduce one of them to your bed or kill the whole family. Do whatever. I want all the assets that the Kittisawat brothers have. He left me with a warning.

         A bodyguard came and released me from the chain. He came to help but I refused. I went straight to my room. I don't want Macua to see me in this condition. I opened my shower and stood there. My skin started to stink when the water made contact with my fresh wounds. I wish my mom was here now. But She is long gone. She took her life and left us with this horrible man. I hit the bathroom wall many times and it started to bleed as well. I can't numb this pain inside my heart. I have to tolerate him otherwise he will go after Macau. I can't let Macau live with this hell. I do everything in my power to protect him from my horrible dad. But I wish someone would protect me as well. Mom! How can you leave me just like that. I hit my hands hoping the physical pain will reduce my pain inside. I heard someone knock on my bathroom door. I didn't answer it. "Hia please open the door, what happened to you." Macau started to bang the door." "Macau please go to your room. I am alright. I am just taking a bath." I said controlling my voice from breaking. "Hia Nop called me. I know what just happened. Please Hia open the door." I heard Macua sob from the other side. I opened the door and went back to stand in the shower. I heard him gasp seeing my back. Macua came and hugged me. "Hia, I am sorry...I am sorry." Macua repeated the same sentence. Why is he asking sorry. He did nothing. He started to cry refusing to leave me. I tried to console him but he is not listening. He kept on asking sorry. I can't do anything so I simply hugged him back. That loneliness and pain in my heart struggled to break through. But I can't show weakness in front of Macau. I closed my eyes to prevent the tears that are welding up. I took a deep breath and hugged him. He is the only reason I am holding on to everything. I don't want to be selfish like my mom. I can't imagine Macau living in this hell.

          Macua took care of my wounds. I straight away declined his idea of taking me to hospital. It's nothing serious. No bones are broken. Finally we decided to go to my apartment. Macau said he is going to cook our dinner. Nop is also with us. He brought some groceries from the nearby super market. I sat on the sofa. I felt my t-shirt getting wet. I silently got up to check if some wounds were still bleeding. When I got up from the sofa. I heard my apartment door open. I took my gun out of my instinct and pointed it towards the entrance. Pete! I put back my gun when I saw Pete standing at the entrance. What is he doing here. He looked like he ran a marathon. He came running and hugged me. I hissed when his hands touched my back. He backed off as if he touched the fire. "Vegas I am sorry. Where do you feel pain?" Pete asked me nervously. "Pete what are you doing here? Are you not on your duty?" I asked him. " I rushed here after knowing...You...You were." He went silent before completing his sentence. But I know exactly what he is gonna say. "Nop." I shouted. Pete flinched. Macua came to the hall. "Do I pay you for reporting all my moves to them?" I shouted at him. First Macua then Pete. Why is he going and reporting these two. Are they my guardians?. "Listen Nop! Do what I only order you to do otherwise you will receive punishment." I warned Nop for his behaviour. When did he learn to do these things. Do I look like a toddler to him. "Vegas, Don't shout at him. Let's first see your wounds." Pete tried to turn me back to check. I held his arm. "Pete, listen! I can take care of myself. Have you not seen any blood or gunshot or wounds. You are a fucking head bodyguard. This is nothing. Don't come rushing here for these small things. Get back to the mansion." I shouted at his face not able to control my anger. He looked like a wounded puppy. He looked at me. " Vegas I will go but please let me check your wounds first." Pete said making me more and more angry. I gritted my teeth. I pulled him into my room and shut the door. "Pete, when did I give permission to randomly meet me?" I yanked his collar. "Guess I have to change my password. Do you want that! Should I end this?" I yelled at him continuously flaring all the bend up anger. Pete stood silently. I strangled his neck. I know he can handle this. But My grip on his neck became stronger. My mind repeated "this is too much to handle" but the other voice said differently. His eyes filled with tears and I can clearly see he is struggling to breathe. I looked at his eyes. The way he submitted without doing anything stirred the monster in me. I liked this dominance. "Do you think I am a weakling who wants your pampering?" My grip became a bit stronger. Pete held my hand that is strangling him. I know I have exceeded his limit. His back hit the door when I pushed him to the door hard and set him free. He inhaled sharply and coughed uncontrollably. Holding his chest and neck. He kneeled down. I looked at him struggling for breath. I threw a bottle of water that I took from my table. He drank it and his breath came to control after a while. he sat down resting at the door. We looked at each other without talking. Looking at Pete like this I feel guilty. He doesn't deserve this but I can't control the monster inside. I went near him and bent down to his level. "Do. Fucking. pity. me. Pete...I don't want your sympathy." I said holding back my monster from throwing him on the bed and fuck the shit out of him. Pete gently touched my chest. My heart is beating erratically from anger. "It's okay!" Pete said slowly struggling to speak. I kneel down as he pulled me for a hug. "It's okay! I am here!" Pete's voice is harsh. He rubbed my hand while holding me close to him. "Vegas you're the strongest man I have ever seen. You are shielding your brother perfectly from this world. How can a shield be weak. You're doing good. I am proud of you." Pete said soothingly. Pete is playing with my feelings. He is saying the words that I long to hear from my dad. I hope life is a little bit easier. Life is a little better. I will cry if Pete utters another word. "I just want to protect you like you protect Macua. That's it!" I hugged Pete closer and leaned onto him. A big fat tear that I am hiding from the world poured out. I hugged him as if he is the only source that can keep me from drowning in this darkness. Pete hugged me and soothed my hair. I totally gave up and poured everything out. I don't know how long we were sitting here holding each other like our life depend on the hug.

           P'Pete? Hia? We heard Macua knock on my room door. "I have brought food for both of you P'Pete and also pills for Hia.
We stood up and I went into the bathroom. I don't want Macua to see me like this. When I opened the bathroom door Pete is standing infront of the door. "I...you...your wounds are open...I will take the first aid..." Pete stammered. I nodded and headed towards the bed. There was food for both of us and some pills. Pete came back with first aid box. He pointed to the night dress that was on the bed. I removed my dress and put on the night pant. Pete dressed my wounds on my back as well the hand. He fed me a spoon of podrige. I took the bowl and spoon from him. I lifted the spoonfull of podrige to his mouth. He took it without denying. He strugged to swallow the food. Guilt washed me. I gently touched his throat where my finger marks are visibly present. I am doing him wrong. Pete treating good but in back I am treating him like shit. "I am alright. Eat your food." Pete took the other bowl and started to eat. He tried to hide his pain but failed. I ate slow with him. I took my anti-inflammatory pills. "Pete go take a shower and change." I said gently. I no more want to treat him bad. He nodded and went to shower. I applied ointment on his throat before we go to sleep. I lyed on my side facing Pete. I looked at his but he avoided my eye contact. I was rude to him yet he is here patting me to sleep. Taking care of me like I'm worth it. "Pete I am sorry." I said silently. He hummed and continued to pat me. "I am really sorry...I am always rude to you." Pete didn't respond. "Can you stay here for a weak?" I asked him. He stopped patting and looked at me. "Or Can we go somewhere far from here?" Pete thought for a few seconds and said no. I made a bitter noise in my throat.  "Look at your wounds. You need rest so No." I pout hearing his reason. "Atleast you can stay here na..na only one week." I am a coward. I am a jerk to treat Pete bad. At least I will shower him with care from now on. "Hmm" Pete said yes. I hugged him close and thanked him. "But what will you tell your boss?" I asked him. "I will tell him that I am going to see my grandmother." Pete Said and Joy filled me. Pete called Thakhun and asked for a week leave. Thakhun did not allow at first and threw a tantrum but since Pete mentioned his grandma he said yes. Thakhun said He can't survive for a week without Pete before cutting the call. That annoyed me.
"Is he a child...There are other bodyguards... Why can't he survive without you..." I asked Pete with irritation. That ding dong. "Don't act like a child. Come sleep." Pete beckon me. "I am not returning you back to Thakhun. Resign from him." I told him with annoyance. Why the fuck did that ding dong need Pete. "Vegas! Come and sleep." He pulled me in his arms. I hugged him possessively and slept while Pete soothing my hair. I am not sending back Pete to that ding dong.


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