11) Announcement 🔞

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Happy reading guyzzzzzz😘😊

Porsche's POV :



I am lying on my stomach screaming in pleasure while Kinn is taking me from behind. Result of me snuggling into his morning wood accidentally. Kinn lifts me up leaving my ass in the air. A slap landed on one of my ass cheeks.


I never knew a slap would be arousing. I am hard as fuck and helped myself. Kinn is holding my hip from falling. My rim feels cold when Kinn applies some lube again. Kinn positions his dick on my entrance. A moan left his mouth when he inserted his dick in one go.


It didn't hurt like earlier but still I wasn't prepared. He is way more deeper than before in this position. It felt so good. He widened my legs with his knees. His dick feels warm and full inside me. Kinn starts moving his hips slowly but deep.

Kinn bent down to claim my mouth. I willingly kissed him back. He kissed my cheek and started giving me more love bites around my neck. "Kinn that's gonna leave a mark!" I protested. "Porsche I already claimed me don't you remember?" I don't want to see his face to know he's smirking right now. He inhaled my scent and went back to his kneeling position. He touched my back seductively. "Porsche do you know how hot you are now?" another slap landed when he finished his sentence.

       Kinn is still deep inside me. He kneaded my ass cheeks. Awww that felt amazing. He kissed my back before starting his morning exercise again. This time he accelerated fast.

Ahhhhhh...Porsche... being inside you feels so good...your little puckering hole is eating me up well... I can't take it anymore.

Kinn hip hit me with force.The room is filled with our moans and frictional sound of our bodies slapping. After a few sharp thrusts Kinn cum with a moan and I cum after a while when Kinn jerked me off. He gave me medicine. It still feels uncomfortable down there. But I can manage.

      I went to my room to wash up and get ready for work. I saw Kinn come down for breakfast. Kinn looked hot. Porsche what the fuck are you thinking! I slapped myself and went to the bodyguard's dining area. Pete was not there only Arm and Pol were sitting at our usual place. I joined them and asked for Pete. Pol said Pete has asked for half day leave and Thakhun granted him leave for two days since he danced well yesterday with the dancer. He is not a person who takes unnecessary leaves. Does he have hungover?.

         We get to the Company by 9 am. I checked his schedule for today. Kinn has no meeting for two days. He has only paperwork. I am sitting on the sofa and arranging the documents for Kinn to sign. I looked at the door when someone knocked. Kinn asked them to get in. It's Big. He looked at me as if he was gonna burn me with his eyes. He changed his face sweet when he turned towards Kinn. Sickening bastard. "Khun Kinn someone has sent you this bouquet." Big show the bouquet he has. Kinn asked him to leave it on the table near the sofa. Big walked towards me and kept the bouquet at the table and stared at me with hate. I looked away from the bastard and continued my work.

         Kinn had signed more than a hundred papers by now. I closed the files once he finished signing everything. I was about to call the office canteen to bring us lunch when Vegas rushed through the door. He was holding his tab and showed it in front of
Kinn. Kinn's face changes into serious. He suddenly pushed his chair away and stood up. What did Vegas show him to make him this tense. I asked Vegas to show me as well. Holy shit! The Picture of Kinn and Tawan kissing. Vegas scrolled the page there are some other pictures of them holding hands and smiling happily. Kinn saw the change in my face and pulled the tab from Vegas and closed it. "Kinn! The pictures are already in the news and all over the social media." Vegas reported. What the actual fuck. I know Tawan is Kinn's Ex. They were in a relationship during their college days. But it's already over years ago. What is Tawan cooking now!.

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