17) Truth

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New Characters are showing up. Get ready for our hot Alessio De Luca. I got this Alessio character from some ff. I really don't know who's ff is it from. So I credit the respective person who created Alessio. ( I don't even remember if it's Alessio or some similar name 😭)

Alessio's POV:

    Cluck... Gun slapped me. I am sure it will leave a mark on my cheek. "Mr.Carlo You promised me that this fellow of yours will kill Kinn. Look what has happened. They were happily enjoying the engagement yesterday. I left it slid when he missed his target. But He can't even frame a crime properly." Gun screamed at my boss. Left it slide my ass. They froze me in cold water for hours.
"I am sorry Mr.Gun Alessio is really a well trained soldier. We didn't expect it to go wrong." Carlo explained. "I will punish him for being very reluctant." He added.

        "Mr.Carlo bringing Korn to my mercy is the only goal of my life. I want to be the only ruler of Theerapanyakul family. I want them all under my control." Gun shouted. "Yesterday night I heard Vegas and Macua talk about the attack. Guess Vegas is protecting Macua. I doubt they are secretly investigating. You...you are a worthless prick...you don't know how to frame the crime even if I made you an easy route." Gun kicked me in anger. " Mr.Gun please calm down. I will teach him a lesson and he will make things go on your track. Your goal will be achieved." Carlo promised Gun. They left me after telling the other soldiers to punish me for my mistakes.

        I was taken to the punishment room. This is not an unfamiliar place. I have been punished many times here since my childhood. They tied me on the table and beat my back with a rod. These are very less. Since I have to complete my task Carlo has given very little punishment. I have been working for Carlo since my childhood. I was only 10 at the time when he killed my parents in front of me. I still remember my parents'lifeless bodies lying on the floor of their own blood. He took me to work under him. He used me for trivial works at first. He started to train me once I became a teen. I have been trained to be his soldier from very young. I have been punished and I have literally gone through many cruel trainings. To strengthen his power Carlo has joined hands with Gun, a businessman from Thailand but behind the scene he is actually a Mafia. He has some family rivals. When they sent me to kill Kinn. I took the chance. Only Kinn can help me to take my revenge for killing my parents. With his power and money He can definitely help me. I plotted my own plan. I have to reach Kinn.
            Gun being a rascal he doesn't even care about his own son and asks to frame his younger son for the attack. I really don't know what he has in his filthy mind. He sent me to have sex with his own son and frame him for the attack. I never expected a father to be this cruel towards his own son. I can't easily escape from Carlo. There is a device that's been installed on my wrist to track me. I met Macau at a cafe so that I can start my work. He is kinda cute. As per the plan we had Sex in my temporary place. I used the cloth that I gave him to wipe his sweat as a trap. I made the scene look like it was done by Macau. It's all Gun's plan but I don't understand why he did this. And The dollar, I left it on purpose. It is a tracker that I designed myself secretly. I am good with tech as well. But Carlo has me on a leash. I want to escape Carlo first. I can't continue my life this miserable. When I am ready I will activate the tracker. It's similar to Viruses. Viruses will be inactive until it has a living cell. So it's a normal dollar until I give a signal. Gun said they were talking about the attack. But he didn't mention the dollar. Guess they are keeping it a secret or do they miss it at the spot? They must be plotting something secretly. Did Macua mention about me. There is a chance for it.
          I went to my room. It's a small room more like a prison room. I freshened up and applied ointment on my back. I can't reach some places but yeah that's fine. Tomorrow Carlo asked me to do something. I am going to reach Kinn. But what If Kinn decided to kill me instead. I have to bring Gun to the spotlight. This is my only chance to escape this maniac. I hope the morning will bring brightness into my life.

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