12) Better Half

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Porsche's POV:

        I am at Khun Korn's office. His lawyer is getting the papers ready to transfer The Theerapanyakul's Chocolate factory in my name. When we came back from the press meet. Khun Korn persuaded me to accept his offers. He explained the contribution and hard work of my dad to this chocolate factory. He said he always considers that only fate and my parents took both of us here two years back. I am not yet sure about marrying Kinn but about the company, after hearing it's back story I am convinced to take over the business. It was the first company that Khun Korn started. A pillar for all other businesses that they have now. I came out of my trance when Khun Korn called me. "Porsche take your juice." Khun Korn said pointing the orange juice in front of me. I took it from the table and fuck! I didn't notice Kinn sitting next to me. When did he come. I searched the whole mansion for him. Idiot! I even called him but he completely vanished from the mansion for the past two days and now he is sitting calmly like nothing happened. Did this fucker know how much I wanted to talk to him about this sudden marriage proposal.

         Kinn and I started signing the papers. I looked at Khun Korn and Kinn before signing the last paper. "Khun Korn Are you sure this is the right decision?" I asked him. "No! It's not...It's not Khun Korn...You should start calling me Pa or dad." Khun Korn smiled at me and asked me to sign the final paper. I signed the paper. "Porsche, don't worry Kinn and I will assist you learn how to run the business." Khun Korn said with a broad smile on his face. "Okay Khun Korn... I mean Pa." I smiled back at him. Hope this will go well. I and Kinn came out of Khun Korn's office I mean Pa!. I stopped Kinn midway. "Kinn we need to talk." I said with a serious face. Kinn said yes and we went to the garden area.

       "Kinn don't you have any objections about this marriage?" I asked him genuinely. "Kinn I am only 19 and I have never thought about marriage. Don't you think it's very soon? We are still young." I explained to him what's on my mind. "Porsche, you will be 20 when we  marry." Kinn corrected. "Arrgh what is the difference I am still young... It's only been a few days since I have lost my virginity and I am asked to marry someone." I said all my ridiculous things that were running in my mind. "What do you mean?" Kinn asked raising his eyebrow. "I mean... Don't you think it's very soon...I genuinely don't know whether you Love me or not and myself I am not sure about my feelings yet." I openly said my thoughts. Kinn nodded his head and held my hands. "Porsche you know Tawan and I had a relationship in the past right?" I nodded my head silently. "We were happy at the beginning but I came to know that he had someone else the whole time we were together. I felt betrayed...I felt like killing him...It's over many years ago and I still feel dumb for being madly in love with him. At first I was not sure about this marriage as well on the other hand I won't deny the fact that I like you. I need time to trust you wholly and to fall in love with you. Let's trust dad's decision for now and give it a try." Kinn gave his long speech. He honestly told me what was on his mind. I have always trusted Kinn and I wanted to give it a try too. "But what if it doesn't work?" I asked him with hesitation. He touched my cheeks " We are just going to be engaged. We have a year before marriage. I will not force you on anything Porsche. If you don't want this. Let me tell dad." Kinn said. I can't deny the fact I like Kinn either. I can even give my life for him. "Should I give it a try?" I asked Kinn. Kinn nodded and hugged me. I hugged him back. Everything is very sudden. I am not sure about anything. I am still confused. Am I really capable of running the business and being a husband for Kinn? Many thoughts circled my mind but being in Kinn's arm made me calm. I released our hug and said okay. I looked at the man in front of me knowing he would be my better half or my greatest heartbreak but I wanted to give myself a chance.

         "Aii Porscheeeeee I am searching for you everywhere. Come here I have selected many themes for your engagement. Come and tell me which one you want." Thakhun shouted while coming towards us. Pete and Pol followed him. Guess Thakhun is the only one who has no doubt about this wedding. "Oii Kinn, I am taking my brother in law with me. We are going to select everything for the engagement. The engagement is going to be  grand." Thakhun said cheerfully. Brother in law? It's weird. I smiled unsure. My phone rang. It's Chay. He screamed as soon as I attended the call. "Hiaaaaaa I am happy for youuuuuu... When is your engagement? You didn't tell me about your relationship with Khun Kinn... Should I call him brother in law...I heard you are taking over some business as well....Hia I am really happy for you... Guess our parents heard all our prayers..."Chay spoke without letting me answer him. I just smiled at his enthusiasm. I was thinking how Chay would react about all this. I am relieved he is okay with everything. "How is your health? Are you really happy? How are your studies Chay?" I asked him. He said everything is fine and Kim is taking good care of him. "Hmm I am sorry I didn't tell you... I was not sure..." I tried to explain. " Hia you are my only family...I am happy if you are happy...." I smiled at Chay's words. I cut the call after telling him to take care. I smiled at Kinn who is standing in front of me holding my hand and smiling all the time I speak with Chay. Thakhun dragged me to the main hall to discuss the engagement theme. Everything that Thakhun showed looked awesome. I really don't know what to select. So I told him to select whatever he wants. The only thing I suggested was the theme to be in green colour. I like green.
         Uff running a business is not a joke. I don't know how Kinn manages everything. It's been two weeks and I am not handling it well. Kinn is mostly taking care of everything now. I seriously have many things to learn from Kinn. We are really busy these days. I came to my room and took a bath. I have not met my friends after this announcement. I should go have dinner with them today. I am eating with my family members these days. Family! that feels warm. I have craved it for years. I am not yet used to roaming this house freely. It's still weird.

       I went to the bodyguards dining and picked my food and went to our usual place. Arm,Pol and Pete stood up when I sat. I looked at them in confusion. "What the fuck are you all doing?" I asked them. "Khun Porsche you don't need to come here." Arm told. "SHIA Arm stop with your honourfication!! I am still your friend...please treat me as before." I shouted at them. Why the fuck they call me Khun? They sat and continued eating.
"By the way congratulations Porsche. We are really happy for you." Pete said with a smile.
I smiled at them and nodded. "Ohh Porsche How humble you are.... Even though you are now the WIFE of Khun Kinn... You never forget about your friends" Arm Suddenly praised me. The whole canteen can hear him. Why is he so loud? Pete and Pol laughed silently. I turned to see what they were looking at. Ohh Big's gang is sitting opposite us. The one who mocked me as janitor bowed his head as soon as I saw him. I nodded at him and continued eating. Guess they won't mess with me anymore. Kinn messaged me to come to his room after completing my work.

       I went upstairs. Big and Ken were coming down. Maybe Kinn sent them down. They bowed to me. "No need for that." I said them and went up to Kinn's room. Kinn is not inside the room. I heard the shower run. He must be showering so I lay down on the bed and played some music on my phone. I heard the bathroom door open and got up. Kinn came out only in his boxers while wiping his hair. I blushed hard. I have already seen him. But I am still not used to it. We had sex only twice. He smiled at me and went to take a dryer. I helped him dry his hair. He hugged my waist and said I missed you. I laughed and kissed his forehead. "I was away only during the dinner except that I was with you the whole day." I told him. He replied nothing he hugged me and looked up at my face with puppy eyes. "Kinn don't look at me like that, you are distracting me from my work." I never saw him act so cute. I kept the heir dryer and asked him the purpose of calling me. "Ahh it's actually to save your fingerprint to our room's door." Kinn said pointing at the door. Our room! That gave me a butterfly. We have set my fingerprint as a passcode on the door lock. So can I go now. I asked him biting my lips. "But where?" Kinn pulled me close for a kiss. I know he has other plans but we have to wake up early tomorrow. "Kinn we have to work early in the morning." I told him giving pecks on his lips. "Only one round please!? Hmm? Hmm?" Kinn again used his puppy eyes. How can I even refuse. As promised we did only one round. It's different this time. Kinn kissed me a lot. He asked me to sleep here. I have to call Chay. We talked less this week. So I gave him the last peck and went back to my room. Chay and I talked for an hour. I am really happy. I thanked my parents for everything  they gave us. They must be happy for me and Chay.

         Days went as usual. I am a little bit better than before. Our engagement is fixed at the end of the next month. We have one and a half months to prepare. Thakhun is mostly taking care of our engagement function. Arm called me this afternoon to report about the accident. I have to go meet him personally. How can I leave the matter. It's been months but I have to find it anyway. It's really a well planned attack. We have been working on it for three months now but it's hard to reach the attacker.

           I went to the weapon room to meet Arm as soon as I reached the mansion. "Arm what did you find?" I asked him. He was startled when he heard me suddenly. "Aii Porsche you should knock that's for doors." Arm said. "Cut the crap and show what you find." I looked at him curiously. " Porsche it's...the...it's...the cloth piece..." Aii Arm tell me properly." I scolded him. "I still have no clue about the dollar but the cloth piece...a fingerprint matched someone." Arm informed me. "Fingerprint? Who?" I asked him to spill who the fucking hell does he found. "The fingerprint on the cloth matches Khun Macau. I randomly checked the family members fingerprint as well today and Khun Macua's fingerprint matched!" Arm said. "Arm are you for serious. Can I see it?" Arm showed his computer. He checked everyone's only Macua's fingerprint matched. Macua!!! He is Kinn's cousin! Vegas' brother! What should I do now. Should I report this to Vegas or not? He will never believe this. Vegas would do anything for Macua so do I for Kinn. What should I do now?


For those who are waiting for Tawan.... please wait for a bit...

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