22) Let's keep it a secret

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          I Can't believe what Porsche just said. I know Porsche and Pete are best friends more like brothers. I don't know what I should do now. My mind is full of confusion. I know Pete is Attracted to me. He is more attached to me. But I didn't expect him to love me. Love a monster like me. I really started treating him well these days. After spending the five days together. I realised I started to depend on him more and more. I tried to avoid these budding feelings but I really couldn't do it. Pete felt like an oxygen when I felt suffocated. I can't hide it anymore. He has always treated me well but Am I good enough for him. Will I treat him better in the future as well.

        I entered the lift and pressed the top flour. I ran to the terrace. My heart beats erratically. This is all new. Pete you are making me go crazy. What should I do with the information that I got from Porsche. I lit my cigarette to make me steady. I took a deep puff. Even after a couple of cigarettes I didn't come to normal. I heard someone come near me. I looked back to see Porsche coming. He stood beside me. I know he already sensed it. Fuck I acted like a teenage boy. Porsche lit a cigarette as well. "By the way you acted just now I am sure you feel the same about Pete." I stayed quiet not replying to him. "Don't think Pete has no one. I am here with him. You better treat him well." He pointed his finger at me. I shock my head yes not able to form proper words. I really suck at love. It's all new.

      "But that bite is too intense don't you think it's too much?" Porsche asked me. " It may cause inflammation you know it right?" Porsche nagged me about the deep hickeys I have given Pete. I feel a little possessive knowing Porsche has seen Pete's marks. I don't want anyone to look at him without clothes. "You have no idea how Pete loves my marking especially the one on his neck and don't worry I am good at aftercare." I assured him of crushing the cigarette butt. "Hey Vegas I am serious. Treat him well. I consider Pete as my brother, Don't make him cry." Porsche told me with his serious tone. "Don't worry he will only cry in pleasure" Porsche hit my shoulder for making such a statement. But he looked happy for us.

"Porsche will I be a good partner for him?" I asked him genuinely. "Vegas Love is not easy. It's complicated. Sometimes it's good to not be so hard on ourselves." Porsche told me. He sounded more like telling himself. "Porsche let's keep it a secret for now. I am not going to confess. It's for Pete's safety. I don't want to put him in any danger. You know my father is..." "I understand Vegas." Porsche answered me before I completed my statement. Sometimes I feel jealous of Porsche. I long for dad to treat me half as he treats Porsche. During the Porsche engagement my dad really treated him well. Did all rituals on behalf of his parents. At least half of it is enough for me. We came back down to leave the office.

     Kinn called me to meet him to talk to that Alessio guy. I really hate his gut. I went into the interrogation room. Kinn let him stay in a room but under 24/7 surveillance. Kinn is not that fool to let this fucker roam freely. Alessio was laying down on the corner of the room. He woke up as soon as I opened the room but went back to his previous position after seeing me. Who is he expecting!? "Kinn this is not my request." Alessio said in his bored voice. I feel like kicking this man. He is laying in a direct posture for me to break him. I went to sit next to Kinn. "I hope you are already ready with the plan for our attack against Carlo." I shook my head yes. "But Alessio has a request before going to war." Kinn added. I looked at him suspiciously. Anything that comes out of this bastard is bad for me. " Alessio wanted to meet Macua." I rolled my eyes at Kinn. I know this is going to be about Macua. " He is at University" I gave a lame excuse. I am done with this conversation.
"Classes should be over by now." Alessio Stated as if he knows Macua's schedule. He is getting on my nerves. I stood up from my chair to leave the room without continuing this nonsense further.

   "This would be the last time." Alessio said sitting. He looked like he was asking for his last wish at death bed. "He will be here soon. I will be surveilling." I was informed as I got out of the room. I searched for Pete. I haven't seen him after knowing his sweet secret. I wish I would hug and Kiss him in front of everyone. I want to make this official but I'm too scared to do so. I don't want to put him in danger. I went to the garden searching for him. There he was playing with Tom,Thakhun's son. I gulped at looking Pete with a child. Will it be good...if Pete and I have a child...what if I become a dad like my father. That would be terrible. Pete noticed my presence. He turned the other side like usual he does when we are in a common place. "Hello cousin brother" I greeted Thakhun going near him. "Hi Tom. I am Vegas, one of your uncles." I introduced myself with that Kid. Pete is holding him and Tom smiled at me. "Swadee Karb uncle Vegas" Tom wai at me. This kid looks very intelligent. "Did you know me already" I asked him sweetly pinching his tiny cheeks. "Dad already showed me your picture and asked to stay away from you." Tom giggled giving me the information Thakhun gave him about. "You! How dare you spoil my name with a child?" I accused Khun. It's really upsetting me. "Khun Vegas it is just for fun. Look Tom is smiling at you. He is not avoiding you." Pete said and lifted Tom. My heart melted and a strange feeling started to bloom seeing Pete with a Child this close. I want to Kiss him badly but I kept my intrusive thoughts with myself. "Then I am leaving. Good bye buddy." I said my departure and left the place nervously. If I stay for another minute I couldn't help myself from doing any ridiculous things. Thakhun is shouting at my back for leaving very soon but I did not respond to his words.
Alessio's POV:

       As promised Vegas took Macua with him to see me. Macau looks hesitant. I know he likes me but we can never take this little spark between us to the next level. I may die at the war that's gonna happen. These rich people have guards to save them but I. My only goal is to kill Carlo even if it takes my life. I will die peacefully after killing Carlo.
"Hi" Macua said and sat opposite me. I am glad he came to meet me. The only beautiful thing that happened in my life is Macua. I smiled at him and said hello. "So maybe this will be the last time we meet." Macua looked at me puzzled at my statement. "All my life I had only one goal and that's gonna happen soon but maybe I won't be returning back." I told him making a fake smile. I don't want to make him feel bad. I don't even know if he will feel bad for me. How ironic.

     "Ahmm that's it. I felt like looking at your sweet eyes before..." Macua kissed me before I could finish my sentence. I have no idea I am scared to die till now. I have never cared about my life before. This kiss is making me weak. I can't be weak now I am so close to my goal. I have been waiting for this chance all my life. Macua rested his forehead on mine. It felt like heaven to breathe him. "Macau please don't make me weak" I said closing my eyes. I am too scared to look at his eyes. What if it makes me want to live. Macua ran out of the room and one one followed him. I rubbed my face to hide the tears that were being held tightly. His smell. His heart beat. The way his body melted into me. Every single thing that we shared that day played like MV in my mind. But I can't betray my parents. Whatever it takes I will kill Carlo. Will I be selfish to ask for more. To achieve my goal and come back for HIM!? Will that be too much to ask.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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