𝙶𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚐𝚘𝚘𝚍

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It has officially been a week since me and Dallas ya know did that and we haven't told anyone about anything we weren't together or anything but we still didn't tell anyone we thought it was best to keep it to ourselves. I also found out what Socs and Greasers where and I guess imma soc cause I have money but my personality is greaser type I'm nothing like a soc tho I don't just go out and jump people just because I'm actually friendly but fiery when I need to but that did not stop me from hanging out with the gang. I got bored just sitting in my room so I decided to go out and hunt for some action. But before I changed real quick. I changed into this beautiful dress since It was kinda hot outside it was kinda short but it's okay.

 I changed into this beautiful dress since It was kinda hot outside it was kinda short but it's okay

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Your beautiful dress^

I quickly put my white converse on and quickly walk out the bedroom door "hey Buck imma head to the DX want something?" "Nah I'm good just be careful y/n" Buck said while wiping down the counter "alright bye Buck" I said as I shut the door quietly. I walked along the sidewalk as I saw a blue mustang pull up beside me. Those damn Socs. I started walking faster and faster. I had finally lost them. Good cause I don't want to admit it but I was a little scared. I got to the DX and walked up to soda and Steve working there all sweaty but I still gave em a hug "hey soda!!" I said while running through the door and hugging him he stumbled back suprised I was here or that I hugged him but he quickly put his hands on my waist "hey there Y/n" he said with his movie star smile. Gosh I love that smile. "Hey there too Stevie" I said as I turned to Steve and ruffled his hair "hey there" Steve said while giggling and fixing his hair even tho I didn't do much. Steve went back out and continued to work on the car he was working on before I got here which only left me and soda inside. I hopped on the counter and grabbed a lollipop from the desk and started eating eat "so how you been soda?" I asked breaking the silence "um I've been good how about you y/n" "ive been good too yk just doing me ig" I said with a giggle. Soda came closer to me. He was now in between my legs but I didn't think anything of it we just started talking about life and random things ya know just catching up.

I was walking around Tulsa hunting for some action when I came close the DX I saw two familiar faces and I stopped to get a better look it was Y/n on the counter and Soda in between her legs. What. The. Fuck. I bubbled with anger and jealousy and could you blame me the girl I had ya know had $ex with was looking like she was about to make out white a guy in between her legs. They were laughing and talking and once I saw Sodas hand touch her thighs I lost it. I quickly started walking towards the DX and opened the door they both quickly looked at me and Y/n hopped off the counter and came up to me and hugged me "hey dal!!" She said with a smile on her face. She's so beautiful "Hey baby Doll" I said as I winked at her and let her go "what were you and soda there doing before I walked in?" I said while glaring at soda "oh we were just catching up on stuff" Y/n said she sounded so sweet and sincere but boy if you really got to know her you would know she doesn't take no for an answer and I loved that about her.

I saw dal glare at soda and quickly grabbed his hand and walked out "I'll see you later bye soda" I said quickly "dal what the hell was that" "look I just don't want him that close to you and especially rubbing your thigh he'll no" he said in a serious tone I giggled at his jealousy and smiled at him as I grabbed his face and cupped it and pulled him into a soft and warm kiss he kissed back quickly and starting going in for neck kisses "okay okay dal not right here" I said with a giggle "alright but for later?" He said and winked "maybe" I said and smiled.

(Btw it's Saturday)

6:45 p.m
Me and dally now were in my room getting ready for bucks party. Socs and greaser come to this so I had to look good dal was gonna wear a black shirt with dark blue jeans and his black leather jacket man did he look sexy. I was doing my makeup and hair while dal was just staring at me and the only reason I knew was because of the huge mirror in front of us that I was getting ready in. I decided to wear a cute short white dress and strapped heels with my hair down.

Your dress^

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Your dress^

Your heels^

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Your heels^

"You look beautiful" dal said as he walked towards me "and you don't look to bad yourself" I said while giggling.

7:55 p.m
I took longer than I thought getting ready but when I was me and dal headed downstairs to the loud music and warm air we walked over to the pool table when I tall boy came up to us he dressed like Dallas but was different in a way "who's this broad huh?" The boy said staring at me up and down "hey back up Tim will ya" dal said as he placed his hand in front of me to slightly push Tim off "why is she yours?" The boy that was named tim said as he looked at dal "nah she just a friend" he said nonchalantly. Just a friend. Wow. "Oh just a friend" I Said as i crosses my arms in front of me and walked off I was not about to deal with that like come on do friends make out and have sex? I don't think so. I walked off and bumped into a tall good looking guy that had blond hair and blue eyes "oh I'm so sorry" I said as I backed away "oh don't sweat it" he said as he smiled at me "what's your name?" The tall boy asked me "the names Y/n, Y/n Lopez" I said as I put my hand out "my names Bryan, Bryan Lee" he said and took my hand and shook it "well let me get you a drink y/n" Bryan said and took my hand "alrighty then" I said as I giggled "Hey Buck can I get two shots" Bryan said as he got bucks attention "well I thought you didn't drink Y/n" Buck said as he poured our shots he was right I don't drink this would be my first time taking a sip of alcohol and I was scared. Buck handed us the shots and Bryan quickly took it and slammed the glass down then I quickly did the same. I burned my throat like hell but man did it feel good "Wow for your first time drinking you didn't do too bad" Bryan said with an impressive look on his face "Thanks" I said with a slight smile. Man was he cute.

When Y/n walked away I thought about what I said and I did fuck up we weren't just friends we were something else and we knew we both liked each other. I left Tim there and went and looked for Y/n I couldn't find her for a while but when I did I saw her with this tall blond guy. They were sitting on the stools at the bar and laughing making jokes and Y/n hiring his arm in a playful way. So fast. She found someone else so fast. I know there just talking but she seemed real happy with that guy she couldn't stop smiling and so couldn't he. I got jealous. The girl I liked was having the time of her life with another guy. But I guess that's what I deserve after I said that. I saw Buck give Y/n and the boy two shot glasses "I thought Y/n didn't drink"I said quietly to myself but she was there for some odd reason maybe she was in love with another man. And it was probably my fault.

//𝘖𝘱𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘴 𝘈𝘵𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵// 𝘋𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘢𝘴 𝘞𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘯 𝘹 𝘠/𝘕 //Where stories live. Discover now