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-HIMARI YUKIMURA is seen with JOTARO KUJO during the fight with the delinquents that Star Platinum first made its appearance. She tries to keep him from turning himself in, to no avail, being dead set on his decision. She visits him whenever she can, despite herself, and gives him his missed schoolwork, whether he cares or not.


"Jotaro, do you think Miss Holly would mind if I came over today?" Himari adjusted the strap of her shoulder bag, looking up at the taller man, "There's nothing to do back home. I'd rather come bother you instead." He huffed at her reasoning, bringing a hand up to tilt down his hat. In reality, she didn't really have to ask. "You've been over so many times she probably thinks you've moved in already."

She only hums in thought, probably less shameful than she should be about the fact. He was probably right. Her hand remained on the strap of her bag, opening her mouth to come to her own defense before Jotaro cut her off, "Didn't we have homework today? Why don't you do that?" Right—there was always homework. She had to mentally thank him for the reminder. Himari may have been an honor student, but she surely wasn't the most diligent. "Do we, now? We could always do it at your pla—" She followed suit upon seeing Jotaro suddenly stop in his tracks, following his gaze. Her brows raised in surprise as a group of delinquents stood in the way. The leader, as she presumed, had his eyes trained on Jotaro, who still looked indifferent despite the situation.

"Oi, brat." came the man's rough, grating voice—probably a smoker, if she wasn't wrong—The man's attempt at intimidation not doing much, she could tell by the way Jotaro's looked like he would rather be literally anywhere else but here.

If you were to think about it, he just wore his usual expression.

"Hand everything over, or else you and your girlfriend's gonna get it." A brow instinctively quirked up at the way she was addressed. Who exactly did they think they were? "Oh~? Look, boss. Ain't she a pretty one too?" She made a noise of surprise—before she could react, the presence of one of the delinquents appeared behind her. It took all in her not to gag when an arm had snaked around her waist, her teeth clenching in annoyance as her body was pulled flush against his.

How revolting.

Her body moved on its own to deliver a sharp jab to the man's side—ignoring the noise of pain elicited from him, before roughly pushing him off and already about to give him more. What made her stop in her tracks, though, was the look Jotaro gave her.

Soon, she calmed herself down, leaving everything to him. This kind of thing happened way too many more times than she'd like, after all—of course she'd already know where this was going.

Instead of Jotaro giving each and every one of them a beatdown as he was skilled in doing so, something unexpected happened instead. What she didn't expect to see was the muscular, seemingly translucent purple-skinned man that suddenly appeared in front of Jotaro.

She stared in shock for a couple of moments. There was no way—A ghost? Did Jotaro have a ghost following him around? Her eyes widened, not even noticing when exactly the hand that came back around her waist was roughly ripped off of her. The girl was too frozen in shock as she gawked at who—or what—was currently beating the living daylights out of the one who dared lay his hands on her.

It was all a blur—Both to the two of them, and the gang who very soon learned to regret their decision of trying to mug them—Said gang members all being stunned to silence at the sight of literal air pulling punches at one of their members, right before they came up next on the ghost's hit list. Soon enough she found it in her to rip her eyes off of the sight, her brows furrowing upon seeing the myriad of expressions flashing across Jotaro's face.

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