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"Ma'am, you shouldn't be here. He's gotten way too violent."

"I can manage." Even if he was, he wouldn't lay a hand on her. She knew that better than anyone else, really. Pushing past the officer, she made a beeline in the same direction she had been led to only the day prior. "But ma'am—" A defeated sigh escaped his lips, knowing for a fact it would be nigh impossible to get through to her. She seemed like the difficult kind of woman—said with the least offense possible. "Oi, Kujo! Your girlfriend's come to visit!"

"How professional." His head picked up after hearing the grumble escape her lips, steps against the stone floor growing louder in his ears as she approached. Bothering to claim that she, in fact, was not in a relationship with this 6'5" waste of space would be for naught—something she learned to accept in her years of being acquainted with him. "Are you done playing prisoner yet?" Himari's tone remained as bored as always, her eyes following a remote controlled car that this tough delinquent, hard as stone and feared by many, was currently driving all around his prison cell.

"I never would've thought you'd be into playing with those sorts of things, Jotaro."

"I'm not." Came his exasperated grunt, "The things boredom does to you." Jotaro sets the controller down on the table, giving her his full attention now as he narrows his eyes. "How's your hand?" She shakes her head, flexing her digits experimentally as she assesses the state of it. "Better than yesterday." Was her curt reply, returning her hand to where it was hanging by her side. There was something hanging in the air, they were both sure of it. An unsaid tension about what happened in these same corridors just yesterday, she was willing to bet.

The stifling awkward silence between them was broken soon enough—something she couldn't be more grateful for—when her ears picked up on an unfamiliar voice approaching nearby. She turned her head to the source of the voice, a brow quirking up at the sight of the same police officer, presumably attempting to keep another bout of visitors away from the prison cell she currently stood in front of. For a moment she sympathized with him—a bunch of difficult people all on the same day, turning a deaf ear to his pleas when he was only trying to do his job. Unfortunately, her feeling of disquiet towards her best friend's situation overpowered her sympathy for the officer.

"Don't worry. I'll be taking my grandson home." Her eyes fell upon an equally unfamiliar face, who she presumed to be the owner of the voice she just heard. An older man, seeming to be of the same height and build as Jotaro, having little trouble pushing past the officer and walking towards the cell. His hair had grayed, and despite the multiple signs of aging on his face she could tell he was probably quite the ladies man in his youth.

It didn't take long for the older man to take notice of her presence, seeing as she was the only other person in the corridor. Himari could almost see the cogs turning in his head as their eyes locked—it didn't take a genius to tell who Jotaro really took after. "Oh? Who's this?" She could see Miss Holly trailing behind him, those kind turquoise eyes immediately falling upon her as soon as she picked her head up. "Oh, Himari-chan. You're here earlier than me, aren't you?" With a silent nod of her head, she didn't say much more. It was a wonder Jotaro hadn't said anything about it yet.

"Papa, this is Himari. A close friend of Jotaro's." She kept her reservations, like she always did. A tightlipped smile wide enough just to be considered polite accompanied by a bow of her head, she addressed him with her hands clasped together in front of her. "Hello, sir. It's a pleasure to meet you." Her words smoothly left her lips like it was rehearsed, earning some sentiments from under the older man's breath about how 'Japanese students are such stiffs,' before he reciprocated the gesture soon enough. She decided to pretend she didn't hear that—she didn't know what Western culture was like, after all.

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