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Himari always had a knack for jinxing things.

With how much it had happened recently, you'd think that she'd be more conscious about that fact.

"Jotaro?" Her slippers made little noise as she stepped through the house, relatively quiet save for the sounds of nature that surrounded them. "Did Miss Holly tell you where she put my uniform?" She couldn't help but worry. She had already woken up a bit late that morning, and was unable to find her uniform on top of that. Where could he be this early in the morning?

Himari yawned, a hand coming up to cover her mouth as she scanned the area. The girl's eyes widened in recognition at the sight of that familiar white button-up and plaid skirt, being hung out to dry on the clothesline. Miss Holly was yet to iron them, but with how pressed she was for time she couldn't find it in her to care. "Nevermind." She made a mental note to thank the woman later, regardless. With that, she was off to the bathroom.

Her hands smoothed out her attire as she peered at her reflection. They were a little more wrinkled than she would prefer, yet thankfully it was manageable enough. Brows furrowed together in contempt as she peered down at the dark fabric in her hands, stretching them out by the garter. Her tights were left tattered with holes, as she expected—you could thank Kakyoin for that.

Attempting to look on the bright side, she could recall that it was beginning to look worse for wear anyway. There was a pair back home she'd have to use instead—maybe if she was quick enough, she could take a quick detour on the way to school. It'd be a cold day in hell before she'd ever think of going out without her tights, especially now with her legs wrapped in bandages and gauze. For now, she'd go back to traversing the house in search of her two friends that were supposed to be accompanying her to school. She didn't know what they were doing, but hopefully they didn't just leave her behind.

What she didn't expect was that a brief look into the kitchen would throw her off guard completely. There they were, but...

Golden eyes snapped wide as she struggled to take in the sight before her. Joseph had his hands curled around Jotaro's uniform collar, his fists shaking tremendously as he held the equally upset looking teen against the wall. Abdul was in the far end of the kitchen, knelt down on one knee beside what she realized was Holly's unconscious body. He held her up slightly, so that she wasn't simply sprawled out on the wooden floor, allowing Himari to catch sight of an unusual, vine-like projection hovering over her back. The woman's breaths are shallow and uneven—she let go of the breath she didn't know she was holding at the realization that she was still alive.

With what she thought was an inaudible exhale caused all eyes in the room to immediately flash towards her. Her expression seemed to ask all of the questions without having to open her mouth, the previously hunched over Egyptian man heaved out a breath of his own before taking it upon himself to respond. "Miss Holly has acquired a stand. Because of the Joestar blood in her veins, she wasn't able to escape DIO's influence." Her brows furrowed together in bewilderment, and worry. Still, where does this...

Her eyes find their way back down to the woman unconscious on the floor, burning up with a fever. Abdul, seeing her confusion, continues, "Still, a Stand is guided by its user's fighting spirit. The kind and gentle Miss Holly is helpless against DIO's curse. She doesn't have the strength to control her stand. Instead, her stand is acting against her!"

"This is an emergency. If we don't act now, she'll die!" Joseph gritted his teeth, his fists clenching tighter around his grandson's collar. He knew this better than anyone else, of course. He couldn't delude himself into thinking his daughter wouldn't be affected by his curse, as much as he wished to do so. His poor, lovely daughter—who knew her gentle disposition would be the cause of her own demise?

𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒 𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐋   ✔  jjba stardust crusaders oc insert .Where stories live. Discover now