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A loud scream pierced through the room before they could do anything else. Himari immediately finds herself on her feet, pushing herself off the mattress as her eyes fall upon the source of it. The only two other students in the room shuffled backwards on each of their beds, whether the scream came from one of them or the doctor she wasn't sure. "Can't you see? I'm shaking out the thermometer for you!" The doctor, who stood in front of them, shook the pen in her hand wildly. Her mannerisms were animalistic and uninhibited, a stark contrast to her usual demeanor. The two looked as if frozen in fear, trembling while trying to shuffle as far from her as possible. "D-Doc..." One of them managed to let out a whimper, his voice cracking. He would soon learn to regret running his mouth. "That isn't a thermometer..."

"What do you mean this isn't a thermometer?" She barely even sounded like herself. An eerie smile was grotesquely stretched across her lips, maniacal giggling heard from her. "Can't you see? This looks perfectly like a thermometer to me!" The doctor stalked towards the two, as the both of them shook fearfully in their places. Himari's eyes narrowed warily, her gaze darting all across the room in hopes of finding some kind of clue to the doctor's behavior. Was she possessed? No, she couldn't be. There had to be a logical reason for this.

"Here, why don't you take a closer look?!" Whatever plan they were formulating in their head flew out the window when they watched her hand fly out towards one of the students' faces. Without much struggle, the pen was jutted into his eye with a sickening squelch and a loud howl of pain. Blood gushed from the grotesque wound, yet as she was frozen to her place with shock she couldn't tear her eyes away. "His eye..."

This can't go on for longer, she hissed, turning her head to look at the delinquent next to her. "Jojo. Let's go." She didn't even register the use of his nickname, nor the hand she had gripping his wrist in what she knew was a futile attempt to tug him away. It wasn't out of fear that she wanted to flee, rather it was the thought of whatever misfortune would happen to befall him if he decided to stick around any further. "You go, Himari. It isn't safe." An exasperated sigh damn near left her lips when she realized that neither of them were leaving this room until they got to the perpetrator of all this. She shook her head, her hand releasing the hold it had on his wrist. If he was staying, so was she.

" Jotaro-kun ... You think this is a pen too, don't you?" Himari's head snapped up at her voice, wary eyes carefully keeping watch of the unstable woman before her. The way she spoke was manic, intonation alone capable of making you feel uneasy. "I'll show you a pen, Jotaro!" Sometimes she cursed her friend's seemingly lacking reaction speed. Before he could do anything else, the doctor lurched forward, hand clutching the bloodied pen as she held it above her head. She was quick to sidestep out of the way, tugging Jotaro along with her as the crystal tendrils of her stand made its appearance yet again.

She had to act fast, while thinking it through beforehand—she's never had to use her stand for much but mundane things before. The tendrils made quick work of wrapping around the doctor, effectively immobilizing her in place with a tendril each around her wrists, legs and torso. She writhed at being held into place, incoherent gurgles leaving her lips as she attempted to force her way out. "This isn't the normal strength of a woman." Himari couldn't help but heave out a breath, the strain of exerting such power on her stand all so suddenly was one she didn't expect to be dealing with. She didn't bother with looking back at the delinquent, the clicks of her school shoes heard against the wooden floor of the doctor's office. "What's causing this?" Her steps came to a stop in front of the incapacitated doctor, tilting her head as she made an effort to investigate further. She always was the more logical one of them, after all.

The way the doctor writhed and screeched within her confines reminded her of a caged wild animal, with Himari turning a deaf ear as she circled the woman. As far as her eyes could see, there wasn't anything that could tip them off about her situation. She was silent as she stood in front of her once again, still as perplexed as she began. "Do you think it actually might be possession, Jotar— AGH!"

𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒 𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐋   ✔  jjba stardust crusaders oc insert .Where stories live. Discover now