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"YOU BETTER HAVE A GOOD REASON FOR PHONING ME THIS EARLY IN THE MORNING." A silver haired girl sighs, rubbing her eyes as she places her house phone in between her ear and shoulder. Her lips settled into a frown after a loud yawn, her senses still riddled with sleep from being abruptly woken up at this godforsaken hour. Having no clue what was so important that required him to disturb her much needed sleep, of course she'd be annoyed—Who wouldn't be? If she didn't know better, she would have called herself an emergency hotline rather than his best friend.

"Yeah, yeah." She could almost see him roll his eyes as if he was there in front of her, prompting her to do the same while grumbling irritably under her breath. The nerve this guy had to be having sass with her when he was the one bothering her sleep. "Alright, fine. Sorry I had to wake you, Himari. But it's urgent. Think you could meet me in a minute?" His voice rang over the line, effectively snapping her out of her short-lived fantasy of strangling the absolute life out of him the moment she laid her eyes on him. She did often get more violent with frustration, after all. With a groan, Himari Yukimura swung her legs over the side of her bed, running a hand through her hair in an attempt to make herself somewhat presentable. The rustling of the sheets was heard over the line as she moved, telling the other person over the line all he needed to know. She eyed the vanity across her bed, lined with a variety of beauty and skincare products, watching as her moonlit reflection moved with her. Decent enough to be able to leave the house, she supposed.

"You're making it sound like I even had a choice in the first place, Jotaro." A good enough response, knowing that he'd know her well enough to take it as a yes. The telephone was slammed back into place with a loud clang, almost comical in its sound with Himari using her hand on the phone to push herself up to stand. Must be lovely to be the number one confidant of the most feared man in town.

Slippers tapping against wood were heard through the empty halls of the house as she descended the flight of stairs, steadying herself with a hand on the railing. It didn't take her long to reach the front door, the contrasting temperatures once the warmth of her palm met cold metal sending a shudder down her spine. Swinging the door of her home open, fully expecting to see him around the curb at most, almost had her letting out a scream of bloody murder. She just had the pleasure of being met by the sight of a 6'5" figure standing in place, shrouded in the darkness of the early morning. "Shit. You scared me." Came her breathy gasp, a hand wringing the fabric of her shirt as she clutched her chest, looking up at her expected visitor with eyes still blown with panic. There Jotaro stood on the front porch of her house, with a hand halfway up like she caught him when was just about to knock. "Calm down. It's just me." Came his gruff voice, eyeing the crystallized tendrils that materialized upon his arrival—what must've been her reflex of surprise. Her stand, who he had only found out about the existence of barely a week ago. She held the door open to let him in, stepping to the side with a shaky huff. "Yeah. I can see that."

Her response didn't seem to reach him all that much, with how his attention was now diverted elsewhere. "Do you always bring out your stand when you're scared?" He nonchalantly stepped foot inside, not before leaving his shoes at the assigned place by the front door. She couldn't help but roll her eyes at the way he just walked in like he owned the place, but they've known each other for so long that she guessed she could excuse it. Hearing Jotaro's steps get farther as he walked further into her home, she mumbled a response under her breath knowing full well it was probably a question of rhetoric. "No, only when I feel like I'm going to be threatened with murder."

It wasn't like she could see it with her back turned, but he nodded, casual in the way that he kicked back on the couch of her living room. Himari cocked a brow once she turned around from locking the door to the sight of him just lounging there—what did he even come here to do in the first place? "Is there a reason you woke me up at—" For a brief moment, her tired eyes flash to the clock mounted on the cream-colored walls. "—4 o'clock in the morning? It's too early to walk to school like this."

𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒 𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐋   ✔  jjba stardust crusaders oc insert .Where stories live. Discover now