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"Oh, thank goodness! Jotaro finally came out of his cell!" The cheerful woman's disposition was nearly infectious, being rightfully ecstatic at the fact her son finally decided to come out of jail. Miss Holly had her arms wrapped around one of Jotaro's, affectionately pressing her cheek against her son's forearm. Himari, who sat to the right of them, calmly took a sip from the drink that Joseph—who she now knows the name of—was so kind to pay for, with little protest from her. She didn't want to seem greedy, but then again who could refuse a free drink?

A sigh of satisfaction left the girl's lips, the ghost of a smile on her face ending up short-lived upon catching wind of her best friend addressing his mother rudely as per usual. To think she was rejoicing in his return and he still had it in him to talk to her with such impertinence. What made it worse was that the woman did nothing to reprimand him, even acting like he wasn't casually insulting his own mother. "Oi! How dare you call your own mother that?!" Instead, Mister Joestar was the one who stepped in, pointing a finger accusingly at his grandson. It was easy to see that he could care less about being chastised about how he talked to his mother, though. The older man could only sigh before turning to his daughter, "And you, Holly! Quit grinning at him!"

"Okay!" Was her ever so bubbly reply. Really, how he could act so rude towards an embodiment of sunshine like her was a mystery. Jotaro, still having his arm clung to, only scoffed in response. When he opened his mouth to speak, instead of words only a startled grunt left his lips—his leg hitting the underside of the table and successfully jolting everything on top and everyone who sat around it. Before any of them could ask what the hell happened, the delinquent was already quick to turn to the girl sitting to the right of him. "Goddammit, woman. That hurt like a bitch."

She hummed in response—she had expected it to be, considering she put all her might into digging the heel of her shoe into his toes. Who knew how high his pain tolerance was, after all. It was better to resort to extreme measures if she really wanted to make a point. Her stocking clad legs moved to cross over each other as she looked at him, unimpressed. "Should make you think twice about calling your mom one next time." The older man who was sitting across them gaped like a fish, before finally putting the pieces together in his head and allowing a hearty chortle to escape his lips. She only huffed in amusement when their eyes met, noting the approving smile that played on his lips. Who would've thought she'd be bonding with her best friend's grandfather about their protectiveness over his mother?

"Good grief." Mumbled Jotaro under his breath, the shared exchange between the two not going unnoticed. His hand moved to tug down the brim of his hat, right before opening his mouth to address his grandfather. "Oi, Gramps. Let me ask you this one thing. How do you know all this?" It was then that Joseph halted his laughter, calming himself down now that he was reminded of the prime reason for them to be sitting down at this cafe. "Why do you know about my evil spirit—I mean, my stand?" He followed up soon after, looking his grandfather dead in the eyes as he demanded him answers. The girl next to him set down the cup she was sipping from, giving her undivided attention. She couldn't deny that she was interested in the topic as well, evident in how her eyes moved to and fro every member surrounding the table as she dabbed a napkin at the corners of her lips.

Abdul's words were still to keep note of, that her coming along for discussion would do her some good. There seemed to be some importance to what they were planning to talk about, enough for her to decide to stick around instead of her initial plans to walking back to class. That lead to her sitting pretty with a decently priced frappuccino and a tiny blueberry cheesecake in hand—she had manners after all. What kind of first impression would she leave on Mister Joestar if she ordered something expensive right off the bat? Whether he was financially stable enough to buy the entire menu or not, it was still the principle that counts.

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