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One of the undesirable experiences that came with being Jotaro's best friend was the swarm of fangirls you'd have to deal with every morning. Walking to school with this hotshot by your side was surely bound to be hellish. She had to admit, she couldn't be more grateful that the people who idolized her never did anything like they'd do to Jotaro. If you were to compare Himari's own share of devotees to their schoolmates that were always fighting to throw themselves at the delinquent, you could almost say she got lucky. Her eyes roll upon hearing the first wave of school girls already beginning their routinely screech of Jotaro's nickname. To be able to tune out their voices should be a talent in itself.

Sometimes she wondered where they find the audacity to call him that name. She's been friends with him for a little over a decade and even she didn't make it a habit to call him 'Jojo'. The teasing glance he received from Himari only got an annoyed grunt out of him, grumbling under his breath as he tugs the brim of his hat lower. It didn't take a genius to think he wasn't keen on having any of it today. "Ladies man as always, Jojo." Whenever she would use the name, though, it often happened to be with nothing but a mocking demeanor, only causing his ire towards it to grow. "Leave it." She hummed, you wouldn't have to tell her twice.


"Let's walk to school together, Jojo!"

"No, with me!"


She couldn't help but shake her head. They've barely gotten past the gates of the school, and it already felt close like being swarmed. "This is getting tiring, Jotaro." A sigh would leave her lips as she took a step closer to him. "How do you think I feel?" Without as much of a thought, his arm moved to make way for hers as it wrapped around his. A tactic they'd use once in a while, where she'd shuffle closer, link her arm with his, and pray the fangirls get a hint. The success rate happened to be pretty high, it seemed. She still didn't get how it seemed to work so many times.

What looked like a small, prideful smile found its way to her face once she scanned her surroundings. Following her gaze, he'd find what she was admiring was the look of absolute disappointment crossing their schoolmates' faces at the sight of two getting friendlier than usual. It wasn't much to them, using each other as a prop so they could discourage anyone unwanted away. "Works every time." She sighs out in satisfaction, slowly unlinking her arm with his as they finally walk far enough to be in the clear, what sounded like defeated whines of his name now out of earshot. "Good grief." The girl would hear him huff out as she shuffled a reasonable distance away, already beginning their usual idle chatter as they walked to school without as much as missing a beat.

The pairs of eyes of their fanatic schoolmates weren't the only ones they had to worry about, it seemed. A malicious lavender gaze in one corner, and brooding dark gold in the other watched the both of them. It wasn't anything she'd noticed, so was there another reason she was feeling so uneasy today? She tried to shake off the feeling. "Oi, Jotaro. Did you unplug the rice cooker—Huh?"

A sudden ripping noise, before he toppled down and fell.

Himari damn near sprinted down five steps at a time seeing him suddenly start rolling down the stairs. Shit, She thought with a hiss, Maybe I shouldn't have unlinked our arms earlier. Her stand materialized without another thought, one of the tendrils shooting out to wrap around his torso and keeping him from tumbling any further. It worked, to say the least, now seeing the purple arm of his stand appear to grab a nearby tree branch to stabilize him enough. She couldn't hear the high pitched cries of their schoolmates over her own worry, thankfully enough.

Quick taps of the heels of her school shoes against the cobblestone steps were heard as she rushed down to where Jotaro sat. His knee bent, seemingly assessing the damage to his leg. "Jotaro," The girl began, slightly out of breath. She placed a hand over her heart while heaving out a huff. "What happened back there?" To say she was worried would be an understatement, now that her eyes had fallen upon the wound on his leg that he was so transfixed on. His face was twisted into a scowl, whether from pain or irritation she didn't know. "I don't know. Did you see what caused it?" Himari shook her head, kneeling down to his current height to take a closer look at the wound. "I didn't. Though, it isn't like you to fall down the stairs all of a sudden like that."

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