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"You already missed lunch. Get up."

The first time she was woken up was surprisingly gentle.

A large hand held her shoulder, shaking her awake. She wondered how long she had been asleep to miss lunch. Her arms would stretch over her head, before coming back down to push herself up to sit. It took all in her not to immediately return to the comfort of her futon. Grogginess laced her voice when she spoke, sighing out. "This is already the second time you've woken me up like this, Kujo."

He wouldn't respond. Remaining seated next to her futon as he patiently waited for her to unwrap herself from the sheets. It wouldn't happen, though, the girl making the decision to unceremoniously fall back onto the futon with a hum. That silver head of hair would once again disappear underneath, her voice muffled. "I'm not hungry. Let me go back to bed."

"You're infuriating." If he tried again to shake her awake a second time, she wouldn't know of it. Her brain had already shut him out, burying her head under the covers defiantly and being quick to fall back asleep. It was a talent in itself to always be able to fall asleep so fast.

The second time he woke her up, he wasn't so merciful. "It's evening, Himari."

She couldn't ignore the disturbance this time. His hand was back on her shoulder, nudging her awake. "You won't get any sleep later tonight." Briefly, she weighed out her options in the case that he was right. She attempted to block him out by throwing her arm over her eyes.

"I can manage." He wasn't having any of it though, using the hand he kept on her shoulder to position her up to sit. Maybe Miss Holly was getting worried, having her son shake her awake from what was a longer than anticipated nap. He wouldn't be as lenient as last time, yet there wasn't much protest from her as she allowed herself to be pulled to stand. "Dinner's ready." She had guessed as much, humming in response as she allowed herself a few moments of leaning against him before finding her own strength to be on her own two feet.

Jotaro walked the halls of his house with her in tow, periodically turning his head towards her direction. Perhaps it was to see if she hadn't fallen asleep on the very floor where they stood while he had his back turned. "What's for dinner?" She mumbled just loud enough for him to hear, combing out the tangles in her hair using her fingers.

"Dunno. You'll see anyways."

"Ah, you're awake! You've been asleep for a while." Stifling a yawn immediately as she arrived at the dining room, Holly was the first to greet her as the two of them stepped inside. She'd nod to acknowledge the woman, her movements still just a bit sluggish. "G'morning."

"It's 7 o'clock in the evening, Himari-chan." Maybe it didn't register in her head, only humming as she sat herself down on an empty seat next to Kakyoin, who was already looking at her with a small smile. She could be a little airheaded sometimes, not that anyone would admit that. "Were you all waiting long?" Leaning against the backrest of her chair, she let the question hang in the air, not asking anyone in particular.

Holly would be quick to respond, calling out over her shoulder from where stood in front of the stove. "Nope, just finished cooking!" If there was something she wouldn't get tired of, it was the woman's cheerful disposition towards almost everyone and everything. "Papa, has the table been set already?"

Joseph, begrudging yet compliant, nodded from where he sat at the head of the table—it was his daughter we were talking about, after all. A cheery smile would remain on her face as she walked out of the kitchen, a steaming pot of nikujaga being carried with the use of a pair of oven mitts. Only then did the girl notice that the expanse of the dining table had already been decorated with various dishes, considering the amount of people they were eating with tonight.

𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒 𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐋   ✔  jjba stardust crusaders oc insert .Where stories live. Discover now