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"Jotaro? What about school?" Himari stirred awake at the sound of a familiar voice, blinking the sleep out of her bleary eyes. Her brows furrowed as she attempted to piece together what was going on, eyes barely opening. "Is that Himari you're carrying? What happened to her?" She would turn her head to the direction of the voice, recognizing them as Jotaro's mother, Miss Holly Kujo. It seemed neither of them had noticed she was already conscious. "A-And who is that boy? Are they okay? Why are they bleeding?" She must've been referring to the redhead still passed out on his shoulder. With every second that passed, the more the poor woman looked like she was about to faint out of concern. Her hands shook, raised in the air like she didn't know where to begin, turquoise eyes pooling with worry scanning over each of their injuries.

Himari debated against opening her eyes—she loved the woman to bits, that she was sure of. But in her current state, she wasn't sure if she wanted to handle all the fussing that the older woman was bound to do over her. "Stay out of this." Her brow twitched in annoyance, a scowl threatening to curl on her face. If she hadn't already decided on faking being asleep, she would've already reached up and harshly pinched his ear. "Where's the old man?" She could tell Holly still wasn't satisfied with his answer, her tone retaining the same worry she heard before. Alas, she still was indifferent to the way her son treated her. "Papa is in the tearoom, along with Mister Avdol." She assumed that Jotaro nodded in response, feeling them begin to move once more as he made his way to the tearoom. He heaved out a breath as he stepped up the porch of his home.

"Hey." She heard him call over his shoulder after a few steps in a direction she didn't know, so sudden that it almost made her think it was directed to her. "Would you mind fixing up Himari for me?" This time she really fought to hide the emotion on her face. It wasn't her fault, she just found it funny that he still tried so hard to keep that hard exterior of his when in reality he was such a softie. It was a shame she wouldn't get to tease him about this. "Oh, sure thing!" She could hear the smile on his mother's face when she replied. Always happy to help, wasn't she? Jotaro didn't say much as he walked indoors, hearing a door slide open for them with Miss Holly's help as she trailed beside them, presumably going to look for the first aid kit. She feels him take more steps farther into his home before she's set down on what she recognizes as the pillowy material of a futon. A sigh is heard from him, along with a rustling of fabric that told her that he made a move to stand.

"You got pretty roughed up, huh?" He didn't talk to anyone in particular, opting to mumble under his breath, unaware that she was even conscious. Footsteps she recognized as Miss Holly's were heard approaching, another rustling of fabric as the woman dropped to her knees beside the futon. She was pretty good at deciphering noises, she'd noticed. "Oh, what happened to you..." A tinge of guilt tugged at her heartstrings upon hearing her words of concern. Miss Holly truly was a sweet woman, she didn't know what bone her son had in his body that let him manage to always be so rude. Jotaro lets out a huff from where he stood, already turning to excuse himself so that Holly could nurse her back to health. She did need her privacy while having her wounds dressed, after all.

"Wait. There's another thing." Once more he stopped, adjusting the redhead still on his shoulder. He wouldn't wait for his mother to reply this time, the woman stopping in her tracks to turn to him. "You look a little pale today. You okay?" Proves the point she made earlier yet again that he's really just a softie that masqueraded as a hardass. If her eyes were open right now, she would've rolled them. She could hear an even wider smile on Holly's face at his words, since any semblance of affection from her son was so far and few between. "I'm feeling okay! Thank you for asking!"

There was definitely something about having to thank your son after he asks you how you're doing. Wasn't that something that you were supposed to do regularly? She wouldn't know either way. She didn't have parents.

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