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"Hey... Natalia?" Luca asked.

I hummed. Atlas, Apollo and Athena had already taken their leave as they had an emergency back home, leaving me, Luca and Ivano to sit in silence since we didn't want to separate ways yet.

"Andreas keeps texting me," he glanced at his phone. "He asks if you plan on coming back to live at the house..."

I shrugged. "Don't know, don't care."

"Nat, I think you should go back..." Ivano suggested.

"And leave you? No way," I shook my head, appalled by that suggestion.

"I'll come with," Ivano offered.

"And let your mother treat you with disrespect?" I widened my eyes. "You can stay at my house."

"Your mother... disrespects you?" Luca asked, furrowing his eyebrows in curiosity.

"That's a story for another time," Ivano sighed. "Nat, please go back home. I'm sure your brothers are worried."

"Worried my eyes," I scoffed, bitterness in my tone.

"Please," Ivano pleaded.

I kept quiet.

"Nat.. Please."

"Ugh, fine!" I relented.

Luca shot Ivano a grateful look which I managed to catch. You better watch your back, Ivano.


"Let's get going, then," Luca said, checking his watch.

"Now?" I asked, hesitating to go.

Luca nodded.

"F*cking hell," I groaned.


"Can't believe I am back here," I muttered, glaring at the front door.

Luca knocked before opening the door and shouting as soon as he stepped foot inside.

"We're back," he announced, making the floor suddenly start having vibrations. It's the footsteps.

"Natalia! Welcome back home," Emilio let out a sigh of relief as soon as he saw me.

"Natalia..." Dante trailed off.

I just gave everyone a bored stare. "Are we done?" I deadpanned.

They all looked to the floor, guilty. Including Dante.

"Why's everyone looking guilty?" I asked even if I already knew why.

"We saw the video," Andreas replied.

"Oh yeah, silly me. Obviously, you did because I sent the video," I chuckled. "Now that we cleared up that I didn't do it, where's Antonio?"

"He left," Roman said with a blank tone. By left, he meant in the basement.

"Makes sense. Okay, bye," I waved before walking to the stairs.

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