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luca romano

I was casually talking to Atlas when Athena and Apollo came up to us, in a panicked state.

"Has anyone seen Nat?" Athena asked, her voice carrying a tinge of urgency.

"'No?" I replied, confused.

"F*ck," Apollo muttered under his breath, scanning the room.

"This is serious, she's missing," Athena mumbled.

I felt my heart pounding against my chest. She's gone. Again.

"What do you mean?" Atlas interjected, his tone sharp.

"She's gone! Gone!" Athena repeated.

I tried scanning the room in a futile attempt to spot Natalia.

"Where was she last seen?" I asked, impatiently.

"I saw her heading to the toilet after staying in a secluded corner and that was all," Atlas added.

"Natalia did say that if anything goes wrong, we shouldn't find her," Apollo trailed off.

Athena and Apollo exchanged glances before something dawned upon both of them.

"F*ck, it's Maxim," Athena cursed.

"Luca, we need your brother's help to track down Maxim Petrov," Athena demanded.

I nodded hesitantly.

"What does she have to do with Petrov?" I asked curiously.

"That's a story for her to tell you. Now let's go," Apollo demanded.

I let out a sigh before leading them to where my brothers were sat.

"Mr Romano, I am Athena, Natalia's friend," Athena greeted Andreas with a cold voice.

He glanced at her, curiosity swimming in his eyes.

"Is there anything wrong?" Andreas asked.

"Natalia is missing," I blurted out.

That seemed to take all of my brothers attention as they snapped their heads to me.

"What the f*ck do you mean she's missing?" Dante growled.

Apollo, who had been behind, stepped forward.

"I'm Apollo, we have suspicions that Maxim Petrov may have kidnapped her," he stated.

"Petrov?" Andreas asked, his tone sharp yet carrying a hint of worry.

"I can't tell you but we really need to find her," Apollo said, urgently.

third person

Silence fell over the entire table as everyone slowly took in the gravity of the situation.

Athena and Apollo knew that she could handle herself yet the thought of her getting injured again put a sick feeling to their stomach.

She was Viper after all, the number two assassin.

Andreas nodded, "Emilio, please call our men to check the cameras and find any leads."

"I'm on it," Emilio complied, immediately taking out his phone.

"Please... Please just bring her back," Athena said softly.

"We will try our best, we can't lose her again too," Andreas said, a solemn expression on his face.

With that, everyone dispersed, each of them trying to find a lead on where Natalia had gone.

And yet, at the end of the day, she had disappeared without a single trace.

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