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One and half weeks had passed which means it's the mafia ball.

For the first week, I've managed to get closer to Atlas. Simply because I've been spending time at the Herod's household rather than my biological family. I mostly spend my time in the gym, causing me to talk with Atlas since he's a gym addict or whatever.

It's an unexpected friendship but I can't deny the chemistry we have between us. He does flirt with me every once in a while which I can't help but reciprocate, finding myself to enjoy the banter we have going on.

Currently, I am in my room, admiring myself. I've decided to dress in a long black lace flowy dress that hugs my figure perfectly. My hair is curled slightly, cascading down my shoulders.

"If you're done staring at yourself, can we go yet?" Luca asked impatiently, rolling his eyes from my bed.

"Shut up peasant," I retorted.

He huffed in frustration before standing up.

"We're going now. No discussions," he declared firmly.

"Fine," I relented.

The thing about the mafia ball is there's rules. Stupid f*cking rules if I do say myself. You can't kill anyone. You can't torture anyone. It's like a normal ball.

And they announce the families according to the mafia. Everyone would be flaunting their status, power, alliances. Too bad the Russians won't be there.

Right. Anyways. Maxim thinks I'm stupid. He thinks I didn't know of his plans yet but little did he know, his brother can't keep his mouth shut. Or maybe he's just a p*ssy.

I still remember that day when Lev spilled all his secrets and I came home with a blood patch on my shirt because I forgot to change.

Either way, I'll always be the one emerging victorious even if some bad things needed to happen.


"Well well well, what do we have here?" I mocked with a smirk.

"Romano," Lev growled, his voice low and menacing.

"Weren't you the one who had been acting so confident about your brother?" I teased, trying to get under his skin.

His expression darkened at the mention of his brother.

"He's coming for you," he warned.

"When?" I demanded, grasping his face in my hands.

"Sooner than you think," he grinned wickedly.

"Won't you tell me?" I asked, feigning innocence but the malice in my eyes betrayed my intentions.

"No b*tch," he said, spitting in my face.

I recoiled back in disgust while wiping it.

"Did you just spit at me?" I asked, controlling my anger. "I didn't take my meds today by the way."

His face dropped for a moment before he regained his composure.

"So what if I did?" he retorted.

I met his gaze with a chilling stare, anger swirling in my eyes as I gripped his hair tighter.

"Did you forget who I am?" I asked, forcing his gaze to meet me. "Did you forget that I can kill you in a heartbeat?"

"I'm not scared of a little girl like you," he sneered.

A grin formed on my face at his response.

"This little girl is the reason why your father is six feet under," I chuckled darkly.

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