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third person

"So... Are we gonna discuss anything?" Luca asked when silence overtook the four of them.

"First of all, do you know Natalia?" Jace asked, face void of any emotions.

Luca looked at him questioningly.

Obviously he knew Natalia.

"Yes? She's my twin, born Decem—" Luca was cut off by a smack on the back of his head.

"Do you think he doesn't know that, you idiot?" Apollo hissed.

Luca just raised up his hands in mock surrender, "Well..."

"She's the Russian Donna and Viper," Jace stated.

Luca's mouth dropped open in disbelief.

"Holy shit..." he mumbled under his breath.

"Are you being serious or is this just a joke on me?" Luca asked, glancing around the room.

"I'm being dead serious, Luca Romano," Jace scowled. "If you don't want to believe me, that's on you."

Luca shook his head, his thoughts going crazy. "But... Natalia wouldn've mentioned it to me..."

"You're not as close as you think you are to her," Jace explained before leaning back into his seat. "Now... What are you gonna do?"

"Get her back?" Luca swallowed hard.

Athena took that as a sign to interject.

"You know where she is, Jace," Athena said with determination.

Jace nodded. "That I do. But what makes you think I'll tell you?" he retorted, raising his eyebrows.

"You have to!" Luca shouted.

Jace's demeanour turned icy within seconds.

"Don't yell at me. EIther way, I'm not going to tell you," Jace stated calmly.

Apollo stood up from his seat, "Just let us know her location and we'll do the rest!"

Jace stood up, towering over Apollo with his jaws clenched tightly.

"No means no."

Luca sighed in desperation, "Jace, you are our last hope. Please just help us."

Jace's expression shifted from one to hesitancy before he let out a sigh of defeat.

"Westwood Avenue 7," he muttered under his breath. "The hard part is making her leave. She has a lot of tricks up her sleeve."

"It's okay. I'll bring her back no matter what," Luca said, his eyes blazing with determination before exiting the room, followed by Athena and Apollo.

Jace watched them leave as he whispered to himself, "Good luck."

luca romano

All three of us exited the building hastily, our minds clouded with the whereabouts of Natalia. If we were going to rescue Natalia, we needed all the help we could get which is why I decided to head home first instead of going into the place head first.

"Andreas!" I called out for him as soon as I stepped into the house. "I found out where Natalia is!"

Sound of footsteps could be thudding from all different areas from the house.

Silas was the first one to reach.

"Where is she?!" he demanded.

"Where's Andreas?" I asked, avoiding his question.

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