Chapter 12, Infiltration Part 1

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A/N: Hey guys! I hit 1K and I had like a heart attack. Thank you guys for getting me this far. I would mention your names but it would take to long. I decided that I want to try to update weekly. I'm thinking Sundays because that's when a new chapter of the Tower of God comes out (the best comic ever!). If you guys want to check it out it's on Webtoon. You can get the app or go in the website. Anyway, that was totally of topic, I'm trying to get back to the winter dance but it's gonna take time. Yes, it's December in the story, but they still have like two weeks left. That give me at least three chapters until the dance. Please be patient. I don't own Fairy Tail or any of its characters, but I do own the ideas. Please comment or vote!

Lucy's P.O.V.

Everyone helped me try to find Levy. Around two thirty, Natsu's search team found her, Jet, and Droy. I went to the hospital where she was taken to. I saw that she was hurt, but not too badly. Who was I kidding? Her injuries were terrible, but not life threatening. Almost everyone was there except Loke. He was probably trying to find someone else to help him. Then, I received a text message. I was kind of surprised. No one had my new phone number except Levy. It was Loke. He had saved his number on my phone.


I heard from Natsu what happened, you don't have to help me anymore

Did you find someone else to do it?

No, it can wait

Then I'll help you,I need something to distract me

You really don't have to help me

Virgo can do it herself

I'm going to help you

I said no

You can't tell me what to do

I just did

Well I don't have to listen to you

I ignored the rest of the messages he sent. I asked Levy's dad to give me a ride to the middle school, which he questioned. He was just like Levy.

"I told my friend that I would walk their little sister home," I said; it wasn't exactly a lie.

Luckily, he believed me. Levy's dad dropped me off in front of the school. I still had fifteen minutes until Virgo got out of school. I stood under one of the trees with my scarf covering half of my face. A few minutes later I saw someone else show up. I couldn't tell what they looked like because most of their face was covered. I could only his eyes and a bit of his hair. I held my breath, hoping that he wasn't with Phantom Lord. He kept his distance, clearly he was just waiting for someone. I pulled out my phone to read all of the messages that Loke sent.


I heard from Natsu what happened, you don't have to help me anymore

Did you find someone else to do it?

No, it can wait

Then I'll help you,I need something to distract me

You really don't have to help me

Virgo can do it herself

I'm going to help you

I said no

You can't tell me what to do

I just did

Well I don't have to listen to you

I'm being serious

Are you even there anymore

Whatever, just be careful

My dad might show up

He probably knows that I planned this

Oh and you might see Mystogan there

He always picks up Wendy

You can't see his face, but you can see his eyes and some of his hair

You're gonna get scared

Oh yeah, how?

You'll see

I sighed. He was so weird. And not even like Natsu, he was weirder. Then, I felt something touch me. Since what happened with Levy, I was super scared. I turned around to see Loke.

"You're no fun," he said. "You could've at least screamed."

"No thanks," I said.

I saw Mystogan laugh a little and shake his head. I blushed slightly, not that anyone could see since my scarf was covering my face.

Finally, the students started pouring out of the school. I saw a little girl with blue hair run over and hug Mystogan. They were such a cute family. Then, I also saw Elfman and Mira's little sister, Lisanna. She was pretty, like I heard, but she wasn't nearly as pretty as Mira. After a few minutes, Virgo came out. There was a boy following her. Loke scoffed and I shook my head. She was clearly annoyed by the boy's presence. She turned around and quickly kicked him in the face. Then she ran over to us.

"Let's hurry up and get out of here," she said.

"Was that Luke or one of Pisces?" Loke asked.

"Pisces," she said.

"Ummm, I don't mean to bother you," I said. "But he's following us."

"Ugh, what can't he just give up?"

With that, Virgo went to face Pisces.

Loke's P.O.V.

I wanted to laugh when Lucy told Virgo that Pisces was following us. He was definitely in love with Virgo but she wasn't interested in boys. Her whole life was family and work, no fun and no distractions. I didn't get why she turned out that way.

"Hey," Lucy whispered. "I have a question."

"What?" I asked, trying focus on what Virgo was saying to Pisces.

"Why do you guys go by zodiac names?"

"Oh that, well we all kind of formed a little group when we were younger those were our code names. We're all born under the zodiac that we go by."

"Then, what did you mean by one of Pisces?" she asked.

"There are two Gemini and two Pisces. The second Pisces is this guy's mom. And Gemini, are obviously twins," I explained.

Eventually, Virgo came back to us. She sighed and kept walking. She clearly didn't want to talk about what happened. Lucy and I both decided to mind our business. I stopped walking with them a street away from my house, just in case. I decided to take a different way that would lead me to my backyard. Hopefully, they wouldn't be caught. Then I got a text from Virgo.


Dad's making her eat lunch

Me too

You'll have to wait little

I sighed and rested next to a tree. Knowing Virgo, it was going to take forever.

A/N: Sorry about the repeating messages. I was trying to make it look like real text messages but unfortunately I couldn't make the text stay to one side while the other text was in the other side. I'm sure you guys can figure out who says what.

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