Chapter 13, Infiltration Part 2

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A/N: Hey everyone! I've finally decided that I'm going to update every Sunday. I want to bring the winter dance back in soon, so I'm gonna make this little filler arc have only three parts max. It may just have two parts. Then, we're back to Phantom Lord arc, which will include Fairy Tail's basketball game against Phantom Lord. Then, we'll go back to the winter dance arc. So, please hang on until then! I don't own Fairy Tail or any of its characters, but I do own the ideas.

Loke's P.O.V.

When I woke up, I checked my phone in case Virgo texted me again; she didn't. I yawned and stood up to stretch. Then, I brushed the dirt and grass off of my pants. It was four thirty and Virgo still wasn't done eating. I couldn't believe that she was still eating. Finally, I got a text from her.


Dad's making her eat lunch

Me too

You'll have to wait little

Lucy finished eating, I'll finish eating soon. Just wait a little more

I sighed. They were going to take forever. Then I saw movement through the window to my room. Whoever it was pulled out a flashlight and began to flash it. They were trying to say something, probably Morse code. Twice; once, hold, twice; once, hold, twice; pause; hold, three times; once; pause; once, hold, once; twice; hold, hold, once; four times; hold; pause; hold; four times; once; once, hold, once; once; pause; three times; hold, hold, hold; hold, hold, hold; hold, once; pause; once, hold, twice; twice, hold; hold, once, hold,once; hold, once, hold, hold. Then, they turned off the flashlight. I'll be there soon, Lucy. After a few minutes the back door opened. I walked over to the door where Lucy was waiting.

"Virgo's still eating," she said, "as a distraction. That way your father doesn't notice that we're sneaking you in or out. Now, let's hurry!"

I ran up the stairs as fast as I could. I had everything that I was taking with me already packed. I grabbed my bags and tossed them out the window.

"Where will you go?" Lucy asked.

"Natsu's house for now," I said. "I think I'm gonna stay with Gray, though."

Then, there was a knock at the door. Virgo wasn't supposed to come up here, she was supposed to be downstairs distracting our dad. I seriously doubted that Virgo would do something as dumb as coming upstairs before we told her that I was gone already. That only left one person. 

"Lucy," I whispered. "Climb out through the window."

She did as I said and I followed her. We kept running until we reached Natsu's house. He lived a few blocks away so running all the way there wasn't too bad. I knocked on the door and he didn't seem surprised to see us.

"You're just on time," he said.

Natsu's P.O.V.

The only thing I didn't get was why Lucy was with Loke. I knew he was going to come but I didn't know that she was coming too.

"So why did we have to leave suddenly?" Lucy asked, clearly she needed an explanation too.

"That wasn't Virgo who knocked on the door,"  Loke said. "If we hadn't left when we did, we would've been in a lot of trouble." 

Just then, there was a knock at the door. I got up to answer the door. An old woman and a man stood at the door. Behind them, there was a girl. She was the only one who I recognized.  It was Virgo. She mouthed a few words to me and I understood. I made a few signals behind my back with my hands. I hoped Loke understood them. The woman and the man, they were Loke's grandma and dad. They asked, more of demanded, to know if I knew where Loke was. I told them I didn't know where Loke was and that he wasn't with me. I opened my door wider to show them.

"See," I said. "No one's there."

I let out a sigh of relief as our unwanted guests left.  I closed the door and looked around my house. I didn't see any signs of Loke or Lucy.

"Loke! Lucy! Where'd you guys go?"

I kept yelling for what seemed like centuries. Not once did I get an answer.

"Seriously guys! Where are you?"

"Seriously guys! Where are you?" a voice echoed.

I tried to follow the voice but I couldn't find them.



I went into my bedroom, where the voice sounded louder. I looked in every possible hiding spot, but I didn't find them. Then I saw my cat clawing at the curtains. I opened my curtains, revealing a balcony that I had forgotten about. I never opened my curtains and nobody else opened them. I opened the doors and stepped out onto my balcony. I looked every on the balcony except where I should have. Something slammed really hard against the back of my head. I turned around and saw Loke and Lucy laughing at me. I rubbed the back of my head and looked for the item that was thrown at me. I found a ball on the floor, a basketball. I looked at Loke and grinned.

"Let's practice," he said. "We have to wipe the floor with Phantom Lord."

Lucy's P.O.V.

"Wait a minute," I said.

Both of the boys turned to look at me. They wore confused expressions.

"I need an excuse to give Levy's dad when I get home and I need a way to get home, since Levy's dad is at work right now" I said. 

Both of them sighed. They looked at each other and nodded.

"We can't give you a ride right now," Natsu said. "My family isn't home right now so no one can give you a ride."

"Aries is at work right now so she can't give you a ride," Loke added.

"So," Natsu said. "You're gonna have to wait while we practice until someone can give you a ride."

We walked all the way to Natsu's yard. It was a surprisingly long walk. There were so many room to walk through. Also, we couldn't use the back door because it would set off an alarm. Instead, we had to go out through the basement. I sat watching Loke and Natsu practice. Watching them, I wondered how good the other team was. 'Alright,' I thought. 'Now I have to go to their game against Phantom Lord.'

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