Chapter 6 : Revolution begins with changes in the individual

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As my parents awaited my response with a pause on their breath, their eyes filled with anticipation, I defied their expectations though. Instead of succumbing to the weight of their gaze, I met their intense scrutiny with a deliberate avoidance, my eyes fixed firmly on the papers cradled in my hands.

As if trying to rid myself of their gazes, I tried to distract myself.

Calmly, serenely, slowly.

I planned to show them that I wasn't the same Leticia as before, who's whole personality revolved in impulsiveness and carelessness— what better timing is it that this kind opportunity came up? This was a great time for me to show them that even the worst kinds of people can change.

However, I was well aware that all of this was an act that I have crafted— and I was never a good actor.

But before I could mull over my actions some more, my mother spoke.

"Since it was the royal family who acted on this annulment; as the contract have stated, they have to pay 10 times the amount equated to our dowry that we have given them as our betrothal gift." She started, motioning for me to flip a page of the paper on my hands.

My mother's words didn't register in my ears at first, but the list of items and land titles on the page that was presented to me, did.

Rows, upon rows, upon rows of items, plants, dresses, fabrics, land deeds— filled the entire 5 sheet of papers back to back. Filled to the brim, from top to bottom.

Each of the listed things below had their own 3 to five words description. The parchment was almost black with how much words were packed under one paper. It was like the writer was afraid to use another paper so they tried to shove it all under one parchment.

My trembling hand extended, my index finger pointing accusingly at the paper before me. The shock etched upon my face was unmistakable, mirroring the disbelief that coursed through my veins. "This?" I stammered, my voice barely a whisper, as I attempted to make sense of the incomprehensible words sprawled on the page. I scanned the document once more, as if trying to double check if what I was seeing was true or not.

In response to my incredulity, my father's laughter erupted, mirth was laden in his laughter. With a small smile, he raised his teacup to his lips, he looked pleased with the tea on his hands though. His amusement at my bewilderment left me blinking rapidly.

"Yes, all of that. If his highness didn't end the engagement he would've received much more after the two of you married." My father, with a bright smile on his face, informed me of this piece of information. He looked like he didn't mind giving away that much for the sake of my marriage.

So you are telling me that the royal family had to return this, and compensate me 10 times the amount as well?

"..Why did you even agree to let me be engaged to the prince if you had to give up this much? Isn't it a bit..." my words were hanging, unable to comprehend the logic of marrying a daughter when in the first place you don't even like the man she was marrying to begin with.

Beneath the carefully constructed facade, the Ducal House of Medicci exerted pressure, their actions seemingly advocating for an alliance with the esteemed royal family. Yet, Leticia knew the truth that in the depths of her parents' intentions. Their hearts had never truly embraced the notion of this marriage.

On the other hand though as Natalia, I found myself perplexed by the unwavering resolve displayed by Leonardo and Vittoria. Their determination to proceed with the union, despite the unspoken doubts and clandestine whispers, left her questioning the very essence of their motives.

"For you my dear," My father started, a small unwavering smile never leaving his lips. "Everything shall, and will, be done as you please." He finishes.

His words held a profound weight, a promise of unwavering support that resonated deep within my being that left my jaw slackening. It was a declaration that my happiness and desires would be paramount in every decision he would make.

From the sidelines, I caught a glimpse of my mother nodding in agreement, her eyes filled with a mix of understanding and silent conviction. In that simple gesture, she aligned herself with my father's words, affirming her trust in his actions and decisions as if it were her own. It was as if she recognized the significance of their collective commitment, even if the full weight and implications remained unspoken.

Even though I had already felt this would be the kind of answer I would receive, it doesn't mean that it still won't catch me off guard when my parents expressed it so vocally.

It was a humbling experience, because never in my life have I received such unwavering untainted support before.

Only Leticia has.

Indeed, Leticia's upbringing, as depicted in the novel, played a pivotal role in shaping her character and influencing her subsequent decisions and actions.

The environment in which she was raised was unbelievably like this, with its lack of accountability and a mindset that reinforced the notion of infallibility, was without a doubt contributing to her misguided sense of self-righteousness.

With an upbringing that fostered the belief that her every action was inherently correct, Leticia set upon a path that disregarded the potential consequences of her choices. This unchecked confidence in her own judgment led her to make decisions without considering the broader implications or the potential harm they could cause.

Which in the novel was an adorable twist in her character, which made her so lovable to the eyes of the readers.

But now having this as my reality really brought me to goosebumps.

As the narrative unfolded, the repercussions of Leticia's actions began to accumulate, gradually manifesting in a series of outcomes. The consequences of her misguided choices, coupled with her stubborn refusal to acknowledge her own fallibility, set in motion a chain of events that ultimately led to her premature demise.

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