Chapter 23 : Unlikely Adventures of Leticia, Natalia and Herself

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Chapter : 23
"Where have I seen you before?"

With a slight shake of my head, I picked up the first book from the pile, letting my fingers trace the cover absentmindedly before flipping it open. The title read A Brief History of Arcane Magic-a topic I'd thought would help ground me in the present, but my attention kept straying.

The leaves of the tree that I was under served to be a better distraction than I had initially thought.

Their gentle sway is more captivating than the words on the page. The sunlight filtered through them in patches, casting dappled patterns of light and shadow that filtered across the grass.

"Well, this was useless," I muttered in frustration, snapping the book shut with more force than necessary. Without bothering to be gentle, I tossed it carelessly onto the pile beside me. The pages rustled as it landed haphazardly among the other volumes, a small cloud of dust rising from the worn covers.

Resisting the urge to rip the tight corset that I had on the right now- because god forbid a woman to look good without suffering for it. I stood up instead.

The place was a vast, untouched expanse, even within the memories of the original Leticia. It was as though no trace of familiarity lingered, no recollection stirred. And yet, I-never the kind to rise from my seat and declare with sudden zeal, 'Today is the day I shall embark on an adventure!'-found myself entranced.

However the ambiance of the place exuded so much charm, and security, and freedom that each breath I drew filled my lungs with a sense of possibility so intoxicating that I could feel the dormant curiosity in my heart stirring awake.

It crept forward, cautious and deliberate, like a serpent raising its head, eyes fixed upon some hidden prize just beyond its reach. The sensation was strange and surreal, a widdendream, a fleeting vision too fantastical to grasp, yet too vivid to ignore.

I found myself surrendering to the adventurous part of myself that I have kept locked up inside a box ever since I transferred here into this new world.

The books I had carefully chosen now lay forgotten at the base of the tree as I stood up, my curiosity getting the better of me. I began to hobble around, my legs still stiff from sitting too long in the shade. "I never realized this place was so close to the palace walls..." I murmured to myself.

Just a few meters ahead stood the towering stone walls of the Medicci's palace, casting long shadows over the garden. The walls, with their weathered stone and ivy creeping up in places, were the only barrier between me and the vast, ancient forest that stretched beyond them, wild and untouched.

It was strange to think that so much untamed nature lay just outside the palace's rigid borders, a stark contrast to the order and luxury within.

The forest beyond, of course, still belonged to us-the Medicci's. It was as much a part of our estate as the grand halls and gardens within the walls. The ancient wall itself was almost hidden by the vibrant copse of trees and dense greenery that made it seem older than it truly was, as if nature had slowly claimed it back over time.

Excited by the discovery and the breathtaking view of the palace wall, I found myself walking along the base of the wall, letting my feet carry me without thought or direction.

I was very much caught up with the stillness of the moment.

On the other note, the books were truly left forgotten. Truly.

But at that moment I could not care less, not when the large expanse of the wall left me with too much to imagine.

"Fuck," I cursed under my breath, stumbling as the thick, gnarled roots of an overgrown tree caught my foot, nearly sending me sprawling. I paused, steadying myself, realizing that perhaps blindly following the wall and calling it an adventure wasn't the best idea after all.

For some time now, as I had been walking along the path, I noticed the trees around me gradually becoming taller and denser. Their thick, towering branches intertwined, creating a natural canopy that stretched out overhead.

Slowly but surely, the sunlight that had once freely streamed down from above began to dim, its warmth struggling to break through the increasing shade. As the trees thickened, the cool breeze that typically accompanied the wind had all but disappeared, leaving me in a still, humid air.

"What...?" I muttered softly, as a small furrow creased my brow, an expression of confusion and curiosity that I couldn't suppress. I turned my head, looking toward the spot where I was certain I had just felt the faintest whisper of a cool breeze brushing past my forearms.

It was a strange sensation, one that I could instantly point out, especially after walking for so long in the dense, humid air. I stood still for a moment, scanning the area around me, my eyes flickering between the towering trees and the shadows they cast on the forest floor.

A nervous, almost ridiculous laugh escaped my lips-soft and breathy-as my gaze shifted downward and I caught sight of something unexpected: a small hole, barely noticeable, hidden amongst the thick undergrowth.

By most standards, it wasn't exactly small-more like the size of a toddler, I'd say. "What the heeellllll..." I let the words stretch out as my eyes locked onto the hole, half-expecting it to grow teeth and swallow me whole.

I hesitated, my heart skipping a beat, before turning to glance around like an idiot, as if someone else might be watching this bizarre scene unfold. Of course, there wasn't a soul in sight. Just me, standing there in disbelief, surrounded by towering trees whose thick branches tangled together overhead, casting long, shifting shadows that obscured most of my view.

The canopy blocked out enough light that everything felt eerily enclosed, like I had stumbled into a hidden world.

Heck, even my own breath felt too loud in the silence.

Relief washed over me, but it was quickly followed by an odd sense of embarrassment, as though I had done something foolish by simply being here, by witnessing whatever this was.

"Uhh, right, do I even have a coin on me right now?" I muttered, patting down my soot-covered body in search of one. My hands brushed over the grime and dirt, but it came as no surprise when I came up empty. Of course I didn't have one.

The plan was simple-flip a coin, and let fate decide whether I should turn back or keep going. But now, with no coin and the unsettling hole still looming in front of me, I found myself at a standstill. My expression shifted into a conflicted grimace, torn between the urge to retreat to safety and the reckless curiosity that tempted me to step forward.


[Authors note: hehehehehehehehehehehehehehe
The quote on the top is a bit of a spoiler by the way- but why the heck not frfr]

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