Chapter 22 : It's Pointless To Believe What You See-

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Chapter 22 : "—If you Only See what You Believe."


I swung the door open, carefully trying to let the other person behind the door see that I was opening it, only to come face to face with the head butler. A sheepish smile crept up to my face upon seeing the butler's normally stoic expression crack with anxiety and worry.

Worry about what exactly? losing his job because I didn't eat my meals maybe?

I barely had time to utter a greeting before my maids, like they acted with this sense of urgency, swiftly grabbed hold of both my arms and, without a word, hurried me inside my room. Their usual gentle demeanour totally replaced.

Once I was inside, I caught sight of the head butler entering the room behind us. He paused at the threshold, his keen eyes sweeping across the space with a scrutinizing gaze, as if he were meticulously checking every corner for any sign of something out of place or amiss.

His stoic expression looked so bad that I was really contemplating if I had done something wrong.

Well, skipping my meals and not letting anyone come inside my room would probably count as me doing something wrong. But, eh, details.

From behind the head butler, three other servants followed, carefully wheeling in a trolley laden with an array of food and drinks. The polished silver domes on the dishes gleamed under the soft light, and the air was filled with the enticing aroma of a well-prepared feast.

So much for a simple breakfast really.

The servants moved with quiet efficiency, their steps nearly soundless on my plush carpet as they brought the trolley to a stop at the table in my room, the table that was meant for my afternoon tea time.

"Set up the young miss' table, and plate the food accordingly. She must be starving," the butler instructed in his usual composed tone, his eyes briefly flicking in my direction before he turned his attention back to the task at hand.

Under the head butler's eyes the servants promptly got to work, arranging the table with meticulous care, as though they were preparing for a banquet rather than a simple breakfast.

"Please. Eat. Young miss." The butler looked at me in the eyes, and gritted out the words. He looked as if he was daring me to refuse.

The maids loosened their hold on me and I yanked my limbs back, I was far too stunned that I had forgotten that the original Leticia—known for her fiery temper and quick indignation—would have immediately thrown a full-blown tantrum if any of the servants had dared to lay a hand on her without permission.

I mustered up a nod towards the butler, and collected myself accordingly.

"Feel free to summon us at your convenience, young miss. Rest assured, we shall promptly hasten to your side should the need arise." And with that, like a whirlwind, the head butler and the servants who had accompanied him swiftly made their exit, their movements as efficient and coordinated as when they first arrived. Just as stoic too.

The room that had just moments ago been bustling with activity suddenly fell silent, leaving me in the stillness that followed their departure. I watched as the door quietly clicked shut behind them, the soft sound barely registering in the now quiet room.

"Ok, I guess I'll eat then." Looking at the food, I found that it would be such a waste if I don't eat it.

"Really didn't need to go that far though."




The hallways were hushed, an air of opulence so thick it felt foreign, as though I was a stranger in my own home as I walked down these hallways as I have always done in my memories, in Leticia's memories.

My arms cradled another stack of books.

Click, click, click.

My footsteps echoed on the tiled floor, with each step I made, I was sure to hear my heels clicking. In the back of my mind I knew that if I spoke aloud right now, my voice would've echoed, much like how the sounds of my heels echoed languidly.

Humming underneath my breath, I dare not let my voice echo. I let my voice dip lazily humming whatever tone that came in mind. Softly— very softly, I hummed along songs that haven't existed in this world at the moment.

Still everything felt like a dream that I haven't quite woken up from yet. Like a haze, where I long to pretend, where my reality softly blurs at the edges.

I made my way outside, and into the main exit of the building that I was in.

"If I recall correctly, there was an outside garden around here." The weather remained as it was when I finally stepped outside— delightful.

I let my feet carry me without any particular destination in mind, moving at their own will, and before long, I found myself in a secluded, peaceful area. The soft rustling of leaves overhead seemed to dull the sounds of my steps— while in the distance, I could faintly hear the muffled shouting of the knights locked in rigorous training.

Their voices, though distant, echoed through the air, perhaps only a few dozen yards from where I stood, but it felt like a different world entirely. Instinctively, I tightened my grip on the books nestled in my arms, as if seeking comfort in their familiar weight.

I paused, taking a deep, calming breath, and allowed my eyes to once again sweep across my surroundings, this time with more attention than before.

The clearing I had stumbled upon seemed almost unreal in its beauty, its perfectly maintained grass and vibrant array of wildflowers creating a scene so serene that it was hard to believe no one else had ventured here.

Not a soul stirred in the tranquil landscape, and yet, everything about the place was immaculate— like a untouched land bathed in solitude.

"How strange. Despite being so near the training grounds this place seems like a perfect place for escapades— and yet I can barely find a soul around here." I mumbled my voice barely audible in the quiet area. I approached a large tree, its sprawling branches offering a welcome canopy of shade, and felt an immediate sense of relief as the cool shadow enveloped me.

The sun’s warmth was welcomed when I was in my room coddled up, cozy, in my pajamas with nothing else to do. But now that I was dressed in this heavy, and probably very expensive dress to say that the sun's rays hasn't been pressing would be a lie— and this shade was like a sudden reprieve, like stepping into another world.

I sat down at the base of the tree, the bark rough but grounding against my back, and carefully arranged the stack of books I had brought with me beside my legs. A strange sense of unfamiliarity settled over me.

Despite sifting through Leticia’s memories, I couldn’t recall a single thing about this spot. It felt foreign, like a place that shouldn’t exist, at least not so close to where life and noise thrived. "How very odd," I mused softly, the words more of a thought than a statement.


[NOTE: alright peeps vote fr <3 the notifs reminds me to update]

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