Chapter 16 : Even Princes Can't Get Their Way: Royalty meets Reality

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Chapter 16 :

My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun;
Coral is far more red than her lips' red;
If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;
If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.
I have seen roses damask'd, red and white,
But no such roses see I in her cheeks;
And in some perfumes is there more delight
Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks.
And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare
As any she belied with false compare.

—William Shakespeare

"No." Leticia's voice held no hesitation when she uttered that single word. Originally, she was unsure of her decision, her response was the response of the Medicci household after all, since neither the Duke nor the Duchess was present. She could not just decide as she pleased, as the past Leticia did. But seeing the second prince's reaction bolstered her resolve.

Because it was clear that Charles knew, she could see it in his eyes, in his mannerisms; she could tell that he knew what his purpose was here for, his reason to meet her like this. Leticia does not doubt for a moment that Charles knew that he was just there to be an eye candy for Leticia so that the compromise would go as smoothly as they hoped. The keyword here was 'hoped'.

Charles felt the simmering annoyance inside him bubble up into a rage that threatened to shake his princely act. "No?" he repeated like he could not believe Leticia had just rejected him that easily, that fast, that decisively. "What do you mean by that!" He tried to control his voice, but it still rose by a note. 

Charles looked at the girl in front of him, and suddenly found her more unfamiliar the more he looked at her. A complicated feeling rose to his stomach, and in an instant, he established that he hated that feeling.

"Charles, do as the royal council asks of you. I'm sure you already know what to do."

"Yes father, I am well aware. Please rest assured, since the other person is Leticia the compromise will go as planned."

"Although that girl is foolish at best, it is advisable for you not to underestimate her, brother. She is still  the offspring of  dangerous people afterall. Make sure there are no loose ends when you are done."


Originally, his impression of Leticia was that of a high flower in society.

But this flower however, was unluckily inlove with him. Charles knew that because of their status they would be involved somehow. But he very displeased with the fact that this involvement led to their engagement.

He didn't have any past grievances with Leticia per se, he just hates her family.

More specifically, he hated how everything that Leticia wanted, was given to her in a golden platter instantly, just like that, without any questions. He hated the fact that no matter how Leticia acted, her parents would still have the heart to adore her till the very end.

He abhorred the freedom Leticia wielded on her hands, and felt as if it was a weapon she purposely taunted on his face everyday.

And more importantly, he hated how the Medicci's had the power to let Leticia do just that.

He felt the rotten feeling of jealousy and thought that it was wretched of him to feel like that, even though he too have the same resources as Leticia.

With just not as supportive parents.

When he realized that Leticia was one of his many admirers. Charles felt elated to the core. And also, the disgust he felt deepened as well.

But because of Leticia's environment, Charles realized that she doesn't even realize what he felt about her. And thus, using her was easy as walking. And that was when his grand act of leading Leticia by the nose, led him to regret his calloused actions in the future.

Because what Leticia wants, Leticia gets.

Charles got engaged just like that.

Because he forgot that the freedom he gained from Leticia was still from Leticia after all.

His delusions almost led him to a fruitful marriage. Almost.

"You heard me. No wise man out there needs to be told twice right?" Leticia raised a brow, uncaring if her words puffed up Charles a little bit more than necessary. "If there's nothing else that you want, I'd suggest you leave before my parents gets here. I'm not as merciful as them."

"Is that a threat?" Charles grinded out, although, his shoulders were tense, he still fought hard to uphold his faux nonchalance. Anyone could've been fooled, but Leticia knew Charles well enough to know otherwise.

"Did it sound like a compliment?" The girl crossed her arms to her chest defensively and harrumphed.

The silence in the room relapsed, and despite being the center of Charles' scrutiny, Leticia never felt as relaxed.

Finally, as if he heard enough Charles stood up, his façade of looking like nothing was bothering him was breaking bit by bit. "Fine." He coldly snorted, he considered escaping right away before his whole persona shatters as a whole, but found that it would be too cowardly of an act.

"I bid you a good day lady Leticia." It took all of Charles's patience to grit those words out. And it took his whole strength to start walking to the door with his head held high.

"And to you too, second prince."

Leticia didn't bother standing as she closed her eyes demurely, because Charles had already stormed past her and out the door by the time she opened her eyes. A small accomplished smile graced her lips as she heard Charles's footsteps fade into the distance.

Still with a smile sticking on her face, she faced the butler that entered the room the moment Charles decided to storm out.

Upon seeing the smile on Leticia face, the butler, a middle aged man with grey hairs on his hair, felt a shiver run down his spine. "The Duke and Duchess has been notified of the Prince's visit young miss." He croaked out, feeling out of place being the center of Leticia's smile.

"Let's make sure this never happens again hmm?" The girl hummed out, her smile still perfectly in place. But the maids listening outside could not help but break out a cold sweat.

"Yes, of course miss." The butler solemnly agreed. He too, could not bear the burden of Leticia and Charles clashing together without the Duke and Duchess in sight. So when Leticia said that, the butler didn't waste a second to agree.

Leticia stood up, and walked towards the window of the room, the butler near her was silent to see her movement.

When she peeked down, she could see Charles's figure walking out of the mansion and boarding the carriage that he had prepared beforehand. She could see the angry frown marring his face when he boarded the carriage and Leticia refused to let out her laugh for the fear of the butler hearing of it.

"The second prince didn't even bother haggling for what he wanted." She murmured aloud. "He must have sucked at negotiating."

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