Welcome to Republic City

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Ahhh, the big city. Since the siblings had become orphans, they have really moved up in the world.

They had a rocky start when they got involved with a crime group, the Agni Kais. However, they turned themselves around when they got introduced the pro bending.

See, bending is the way they feel closest to their parents. And getting paid while doing it? Jackpot.

Mako, Y/n, and Bolin ended up striking a deal with a business man who owns a pro bending arena that they can have an apartment there and participate in the bending tournaments.

The siblings were really making a name for themselves being the new, mysterious fire ferrets.  They had found a water bender to be on their team and even found a pet named Pabu to take care of.

Of course, Y/n isn't as well known as Mako and Bolin. Obviously two earthbenders can't be on the same team. She subs in sometimes when Bolin isn't feeling well though.

Who was she to complain? She was basically getting housing, food, and training for free. And she got to cheer their brothers on while they kicked bender ass. It was quite an entertaining lifestyle.

As the siblings relaxed in their apartment, Y/n decided it would be a nice idea to listen to the radio to pass the time.

The radio crackled before a bunch of commotion could be heard. People yelling and many reporters asking questions. It was very hard to tell what was going on. But suddenly, everybody went quiet as a girl began to speak.

"Ahem, hello, I'm Korra," The voice said. At first Y/n thought she was just another politician trying to lecture the public again. "Your new avatar," The voice on the radio continued.

Y/n sat up a bit on the couch and turned up the volume on the radio so she could better hear it.

She could hear many reporters shouting questions at the avatar in the background audio of the radio.

"Uh, yes I am definitely here to stay, but honestly I don't have a plan yet," the avatar tried to explain. Man, this girl is not good a public speaking. "You see, I'm still in training but look, all I know is avatar Aang meant for this city to be the center of peace and balance in the world and I believe we can make his dream a reality. I look forward to serving you! I'm so happy to be here!" The girl finished.

Y/n turned to look at her brothers who were lying down in their own chairs. Their eyes were slightly widened. Y/n was also slightly stunned.

The avatar in Republic City? Does that mean there's gonna be some changes in the city? Will she be successful in her quest to bring balance?


A/N- okay again, slightly short but I mean the siblings aren't even in the first episode so what do you want from me 🤷‍♀️

Korra made it to republic city yall!!

next chapter is the meeting guys are you excited?? i'm excited

I promise the chapters will get longer as we go and as the siblings are in the episodes more. I guess I should mention that I'm doing these chapters by the episode

anyway hope you guys like it see ya later!!

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