A Voice in the Night

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A/N- hey yall happy easter!! Currently writing this at my fam's easter party lmao 😭

hope the bunny brought you great things if you celebrate. Enjoy!!


The day after the whole Bolin being kidnapped fiasco, Y/n, Mako, and Bolin decided to just have a chill day in their apartment. After all the things that happened in the days before, they needed time to process. The three were sitting in their living room in silence, just thinking with only a quiet radio in the background.

Mako spoke up, "We're in danger now more than ever," He stated, "Amon kidnapped Bolin because he thought he was a criminal but as we keep getting more well known in the pro-bending world, that might make him inclined to target us."

"You're right, we need to look after one another," Bolin agreed.

Y/n was silent for a few moments, "I've been thinking... Korra said her best friend is that polar bear dog... that must mean she doesn't have very many friends. We must be her only friends in the city other than her airbending teachers," She explained, "She's the avatar, I couldn't imagine what would happen to the world if the avatar lost her bending. As her friends, we need to make sure we look after her too," Y/n finished. Her brothers hummed in agreement.

It was quiet for a few moments, "Ever since mom and dad died..." Bolin spoke up, "Bending has kind of been a way for me to feel connected to them. I couldn't imagine what would happen if..." He trailed off.

"Hey, don't worry about it little bro," Mako assured, "That's why we're gonna watch each other's backs."

Just then, the song that was playing on the radio turned to static and Amon's voice could be heard. "Good evening my fellow equalists," He greeted. Y/n whipped her head around to look at the radio, scrambling to turn it up a bit. "This is your leader, Amon. As you have heard the republic council has voted to make me public enemy number one, proving once again that the bending oppressors of this city will stop at nothing to quash our revolution. But we cannot be stopped. Our numbers grow stronger by the day. You no longer have to live in fear. The time has come for benders to experience fear," He finished menacingly.

Bolin, Mako, and Y/n looked at each other wide eyed.


After that whole ordeal, it was another chill day for the fam. Well, for Bolin and Y/n atleast. Mako went into work that day so they had the house to themselves. Honestly, on their days off they never knew what to do with themselves.

The two had decided to teach Pabu some more tricks. Y/n wanted to teach him how to do a back flip. She was waving a treat around for him like a mad man, as Bolin watched.

"Come onnn, Pabu! You can do it! Just... yknow... jump and... flip!" She whined at the critter.

Pabu only looked at her then went back to grooming himself. "Maybe we need to show him how to do it," Bolin suggested.

"Yeah, like you know how to do a back flip, Bolin," Y/n said sarcastically.

"I've done it before in matches! Only then it just kind of... happens I don't really think about it. Let me give it a try," Bolin said, getting up and moving to an empty space.

Bolin jumped and started flipping. It seemed like he was gonna do it but then the front door burst open with a loud bang and scared Bolin causing him to fall on his stomach with a grunt.

"Guess who's got a date tonight," Mako said, entering the room and see Bolin on the ground. "What happened to you?"

"Nothing. Anyway, a date? With who?" Y/n asked excitedly. Bolin groaned, rubbing his head and slowly getting up. "Shut up, Bolin I wanna hear."

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