The Revelation

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"What's the big idea with making me train in the morning?" Korra groaned, "The morning is evil," She whispered harshly.

The fire ferrets were up bright and early to train for their next pro-bending match. The gym in the arena provides times for each team to come in and train a bit and the fire ferrets had the morning time slot.

"Then you and Y/n are two peas in a pod," Bolin smiled looking towards Y/n who was lying on a nearby bench, 'resting her eyes'.

"Hey i'll be up and training," Y/n groaned but then cuddled closer to her bench, "just in a couple minutes," she said, drifting off.

"We're the rookies," Bolin stated, "So we get the worst time slot in the gym." He sighed, throwing a ball towards Mako.

"And you're the rookiest of us all. We've got to get you up to speed if we wanna survive in the tournament," Mako lectured, "Deal with it," throwing Korra the ball rather aggressively.

Y/n decided to finally get up and join them in her groggy state. Even though she was just a sub, she too had to train.

"You deal with it," Korra retaliated, throwing the ball back to Mako even more aggressively. The force of the ball caused Mako to be thrown to the floor. Y/n chuckled at her brother.

"There are my hardworking little street urchins," A voice said from the entrance of the gym. It was the business man who provided Mako, Y/n, and Bolin their apartment above the arena, Butakha.

"It's an honor to finally meet you, avatar," He said in his signature gravely voice, putting a hand on Korra's shoulder.

"And you are?" Korra said suspiciously.

"Butakha," He responded, tipping his hat to Korra, "I run this whole pro-bending shabang," He said proudly, "Here's your winnings from the last match."

Butakha handed Mako a big wad of cash. Y/n knew better, he was a dirty business man, he wasn't just gonna give out his cash like that.

"Ah, ah, ah," Butakha tsked, waving his finger at Mako just as he was about to put the cash in his pocket, "First you owe me for the avatar's new gear," He started, taking away about a fourth of the cash, "Gym and equipment rentals last month," Now half the cash was gone, "Rent on your apartment," Now a fourth of the money was left, "And a personal loan for groceries," He finished, taking away the last of the cash.

Mako turned to glare at Bolin because of the last part, "What? I'm a growing boy," Bolin pouted. Y/n face palmed at this.

"Oh and one more order of business," Butakha said slyly, "The fire ferrets need to ante up 30,000 yuans for the championship pot."

Y/n's jaw dropped, "30,000 yuans?!" she exclaimed.

"Sorry, kids," Butakha said, putting a hand on Mako's shoulder, "You've got til the end of next week to come up with the dough or else... you're out of the tournament," he finished, turning to leave the gym.

"You wouldn't happen to have a secret avatar bank account overflowing with gold, would you," Bolin asked Korra hopefully.

"I got nothing," Korra said, turning out her empty pockets, "I've never really needed money. I've always had people taking care of me," She explained.

"Then I wouldn't say you had nothing," Mako scoffed, cleaning up the training equipment.

"Sorry, I didn't mean—" She started before she was interrupted.

"No it's okay. It's just ever since we lost our parents, we've been on our own," Bolin said somberly. Y/n turned to look away, not wanting to listen to their sad story.

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