Out Of the Past

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When Korra said Tenzin would be bailing Y/n out of jail she thought that she meant pronto. But after waiting and waiting and waiting, Y/n accepted that she had to spend the night there.

She was put in a cold musty cell with a tiny window in the back of it with Asami while her brothers were in a cell someplace else.

Y/n spent most of the night pacing around the cell, just waiting for somebody to come get them. Finally Asami convinced her to get some rest for the night but it probably must've been two in the morning by then.

Y/n woke up bright and early right when the sun came up and happened to catch a guard walking by.

"Hey!" She banged her fist on the cell door. "Where's Korra? She said she'd come get us, has she been here?"

The gaurd chuckled ominously, "Oh sweetheart, you don't know yet? The avatar is missing," He teased with a smirk on his face.

Y/n's eyes widened. "...y-you're lying. Tell me you're lying!" She yelled, gritting her teeth. Her knuckles were white from squeezing the bars on her door so hard.

"Nope. She was kidnapped by equalists last night. Nobody knows where she is," The guard smiled.

Asami put a hand on Y/n's shoulder, "Hey, he's probably just lying to get under our skin," She comforted.

But Y/n wasn't feeling comforted at all. What if he was right and Amon really took her? Y/n knew that once she finally gets her hands on Amon... it's not gonna be pretty.

"Am I though?" The guard pestered before walking off.

"Don't worry about it, Y/n. He's probably just trying to worry us," Asami assured.

"I'm afraid not," Another voice from outside the door said.

The metal door then crumpled and was pulled from the wall to reveal Lin Beifong. "Come on, I'm busting you out."


Beifong metal bended the door to Mako and Bolin's cell door, freeing them.

Asami ran in to kiss Mako. Y/n tried to look away from... that, only to see Bolin peeing in the corner.

"Ah! A little privacy please!" He squeaked with his shoulders clearly tensed.

Y/n covered her eyes with her hands shielding herself from two sights she really didn't wanna see.

"Are you alright?" Mako asked after eating Asami's face.

"I'm fine! It's so good to see you!" Asami smiled.

"Okay, can we stop with the chivalry? Korra needs our help," Y/n stated, clearly stressed. She just wanted to get out of there and see Korra safe.

"Yes, hate to break up the lover's reunion but Amon has captured her," Beifong said solemnly.

"No... no she can't be gone," Mako said breathlessly, his eyes wide.

"Come on, we have to get her back!" Y/n stressed, already running out the door.

She heard running steps of her friends scrambling out after her.


Turns out the police confiscated team avatar's convertible from the night before so it was right in the parking lot of the police station. On the way to Tenzin's, Y/n was practically screaming at Asami to step on it. She couldn't help it, she didn't know what came over her but she was so worried about Korra and wanted to be sure that she was alive.

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