When Extremes Meet

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So that was hectic. After everything went down with Asami's dad Y/n was sure that their little group would never be able to catch a break. Guess that's what happens when you're close with the avatar.

So now they were on a ferry headed for their new home for the next... however long, air temple island. Living in one house all together. Y/n only hoped they wouldn't all get sick of each other.

Y/n stood right by the edge of the side of the boat, breathing in the salty air as the boat docked at the island. The group watched as Korra and the airbender kids walked up to the boat and waved at the group.

"Welcome to air temple island!" One of the kids exclaimed. "Your new home!" She said cheerfully.

"Yes, welcome to my domain," The little boy said, pointing to himself.

Y/n grabbed her backpack holding her things and got off the boat with the rest of the group.

"Well aren't you sweet little monk child," Bolin smiled at the boy as Pabu climbed off of his shoulder running to greet Nala.

"What's that fuzzy creature?" The boy asked.

"That is a fire ferret. An arboreal mammal common to the bamboo forests of the central earth kingdom." (A/n: 🤓☝️) The oldest airbender girl stated with her finger up.

The middle airbender child gasped and began to squeal while chasing Pabu down. "He's cute!"

The boy flew upwards landing on Nala's back and began to pull on her ears screaming, "Fly, sky bison, fly!" while the middle child chased Pabu around the polar bear dog.

Y/n could tell that this was going to be a chaotic adjustment.

Y/n took her attention off of the rowdy children to look at Korra. "Thanks for sending the air acolytes to help us move in," She smiled.

"Yes, they've been amazing. Such tireless workers," Asami said.

Just then two air acolytes came off the boat carrying a tower of very large suitcases, almost dropping them onto Korra.

"I thought you were only bringing a few things," Korra stated, jumping back so that the bags wouldn't fall on her.

"Trust me. It could've been worse," Mako remarked, looking at Asami.

"No problem. Everybody here wants you guys to feel welcome," Korra smiled.

The group walked into the courtyard following behind Pabu and Nala chasing each other.

Y/n walked beside Asami and looked to the other side of her to see the air bender boy grinning weirdly at the two of them.

"You're pretty, can I have some of your hair?" The kid asked.

Y/n looked at Asami with a weirded out look on her face.

"Meelo, don't ask her that, it's weird,"  Korra scolded from in front of them.

Meelo shrugged and walked away. Y/n mouthed a 'thank you' at Korra before Korra shot a wink at her before looking forward again.

Y/n's eyes widened as she looked at the floor, her cheeks feeling warm. She felt a nudge at her side and looked up to see Asami smirking at her.

"What?" Y/n asked, confused.

"Well she- and you- oh, nevermind," Asami stammered before looking at the ground disappointed.

"Time for the grand tour!" The middle air bender kid exclaimed with her arms in the air, facing the group. "The flying bisons sleep in those caves over there and that's the temple grandpa Aang built and that's greenhouse where we grow the vegetables we eat!" The girl spouted off pointing to a bunch of different landmarks.

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