A Leaf in the Wind

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"Ladies and gentlemen, i'm coming to you live from Republic City's pro-bending arena! Where tonight, the best in the world continue their quest for a spot in the upcoming championship!" An announcer blared over the stadium.

Mako, Bolin, and Hasook were gearing up for their match. Y/n was with them sitting on the bench in their locker room. Mako and Bolin always let her watch from there of course, best seats in the house to watch her brothers kick ass.

"Best in the world huh? That's what they're calling us now?" Y/n chuckled, watching the three warm up for their match.

"That's what they're calling us," Hasook responded referring to himself, Bolin, and Mako under his breath so that Mako and Bolin wouldn't hear him.

Hasook had always been cold towards Y/n. Y/n would always let it slide because they needed a water bender if they wanted to get to the championship. Of course, that didn't stop her from dreaming of kicking his ass.

"Grab your snacks and grab your kids because this match is going to be a doozy!" The announcer continued.

The announcer wasn't wrong. Today their team, the fire ferrets would go up against the tiger seals (A/N: idek guys I just made up a name don't judge 😭) who weren't the best team in the league. Y/n was sure that her brothers would knock them out within the first few seconds.

Suddenly, a bridge extended out from the arena to their locker room.

"Good luck you guys," Y/n smiled as the fire ferrets stepped onto the bridge and started moving towards the arena.

Her brothers smiled and waved back at her while Hasook rolled his eyes. Y/n could never figure out what his problem was.

The tiger seals stepped onto the arena with the fire ferrets and after a ding, the match began.

Immediately, a bunch of bendables were flying around the arena. Y/n noticed that the tiger seals had a strategy of combining some of their bending, making things like mud and flaming rocks. She took note of this because while the tiger seals weren't that great, the idea was actually pretty good.

she leaned on the railing of the locker room to watch the fight as Mako threw a swipe of fire at them, knocking them out.

Suddenly, Bolin turned around to face Y/n and winked at her. Y/n and Bolin had a thing where if the team they were going against was sure to lose, occasionally, Bolin would fake an injury to let her sub in.

Bolin started to clutch his back and dramatically start crying at the ref. "Ahhh, my back!!" He sniffled, "I think I pulled a muscle!" He cried at the ref, basically groveling at his feet.

Y/n giggled as his antics continued. The ref eventually gave in and let Bolin sit the match out and let Y/n come in.

It was exhilarating for Y/n to be back in the ring. She geared up with all her padding and protective gear. She was so ready to throw all she had at the tiger seals.

"Looks like Y/n is subbing in for Bolin folks! She's rarely here but when she is you can count on her to make the match interesting!" The announcer yelled as she started moving towards the arena.

Y/n chuckled and waved at the cheering crowd. She turned to face the tiger seals and stuck her tongue out at them. They only smirked at her. Seems like they had some time to strategize a little better.

With a ding, the match was started. Y/n started picking up rock disks with her earth bending and aiming for the water bender on the other team. She did knock him back but only a little.

Meanwhile, while she wasn't looking the earth bender from the other team managed to chuck an earth disk at her ankle. This made her stumble a bit but she managed to dive roll away from the second zone.

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