Turning the Tides

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The morning after Korra came back was a very gloomy one. Y/n had spent the whole night at her bed side insisting that somebody needed to keep an eye on her in case Tarlok came looking. In truth she didn't spend the whole night watching her. At one point she rested her head just next to Korra's torso and rested her eyes. After all she'd barely gotten any sleep with being in jail and then looking for Korra for the past two days. When she opened her eyes again it was the next day and Korra was still asleep. Y/n sighed at the way she looked. She had half healed scars all over her. She looked so peaceful sleeping there. Y/n smiled as she put her hand on top of Korra's.

"How is she?" A voice from the door said. In came Mako with a worried expression on his face.

Y/n took her hand off Korra's and it was replaced with Mako's. "She slept through the whole night. She'll probably be okay I mean other avatars have been through worse, right?" Y/n tried to convince herself.

Mako didn't say anything back. He only looked at her longingly.


At breakfast Korra was scarfing down her meal. Poor thing probably hadn't eaten in the last couple days. "The food tastes amazing, Pema. I'm finally starting to feel like myself again," She smiled.

"We're so thankful you're home safe," Pema nodded, standing to pick up dishes.

Pema was heavily pregnant. It seemed like she was due to pop any day now. Y/n was impressed that she was still up doing things. She thought that if it were her, she'd just be laying in bed all day.

"Let me help," Asami offered, picking up everybody else's plates.

"Korra, I realize you've been through a lot. But I need to know everything that happened," Tenzin stated.

"Well, first off, Tarlok isn't who he says he is. He's Yakone's son," Korra explained.

Y/n didn't have any idea who this Yakone was but by the look on Lin and Tenzin's faces, it wasn't anybody good.

"It all makes sense now... that's how Tarlok was able to blood bend us without a full moon," Lin noted thoughtfully.

"But how did you escape? And where's Tarlok?" Tenzin asked.

"Amon captured him... and took his bending," Korra replied.

"What?" Tenzin gasped.

"Yeah, he showed up out of nowhere. He almost got me too," Korra explained, looking down at the ground.

Y/n gasped lightly, "Oh no, Korra, that must've been terrifying."

"It was, I caught a glimpse of him before I left and I know he wears a mask but I feel like I could just tell he was angry," Korra responded.

"This is very disturbing news. Amon is becoming emboldened. Taking out a councilman, almost capturing the avatar— I fear Amon is entering his end game," Tenzin suggested.

Y/n looked toward her brothers and Korra with a worried look on her face and they gave her the same look back.


After breakfast, only Korra and Y/n were left at the table sitting in a comfortable silence. Korra sat at the end of the table while Y/n sat just next to her. Y/n didn't want to pry but she wanted to know how Korra really felt about all of this.

"Are you... doing okay? I know Tenzin has been asking you to tell him what happened but I feel like nobody's asking how you feel about all of this. I just... wanna make sure you're okay..." Y/n spoke up.

"I don't know... I feel like i've been having so many close calls with Amon where I didn't know if I was going to make it out... I worry that when the time comes, I won't be able to beat him since I haven't been able to get him any of the other times we've fought," Korra replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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