The Aftermath

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Y/n sighed as she packed away all of her clothes into a cardboard box.

"I still can't believe they're shutting this place down," Mako said, also packing his things.

"Yeah... we had some good memories here didn't we," Bolin smiled.

"Yeah like that time you tried to back flip and failed miserably," Y/n smirked.

Bolin was about to retort before Korra came running into the attic.

"Guys, great news," She began, smiling excitedly, "You don't have to go back on the streets! I talked to Tenzin and made all the arrangements. You can come live on air temple island with me," She announced, smiling proudly.

"Oh... well we'd love to but-" Mako began.

"Asami already invited us to live in her dad's giant mansion!" Bolin exclaimed.

Y/n nudged him and shot a glare at him. Trying to signal to him that he was being impolite.

"What? From here on out, it's gonna be the lap of luxury for us," He continued, embracing Mako. Y/n face palmed.

"Oh, hey, Korra!" Asami greeted, entering the main living room from the upstairs loft where she had went to fetch Pabu. "I was hoping you'd stop by."

"I was just leaving," Korra deadpanned, "So.. I guess I'll... see you guys around... sometime."

"Why not tomorrow? I'd love to have you come visit the estate," Asami offered.

"I don't know.. I have some... avatar stuff to do," Korra said awkwardly.

"Come on Korra! We all need a little rest and relaxation after all this craziness!" Bolin said in a really high pitched voice pretending to be Pabu in a... country accent?

"Ignore him. But you should definitely come! Please Korra?" Y/n smiled.

Korra chuckled, "Alright guys," She waved at the group and exited the attic.

"Great, we'll see you tomorrow!" Asami yelled after her.

Y/n felt very sad to be leaving the attic. Her first real home since her parents died. Her and her brothers made so many memories there. Good and bad. But she was excited to make new memories in a hopefully more permanent home with her new friends.


Y/n and her brothers were living the life in Asami's mansion. After scrounging everyday wondering if they'd even have enough to eat dinner, moving into a life of luxury was quite the shift.

Y/n wasn't used to having her own space. She couldn't remember the last time she actually had some privacy. She had to admit, it was nice to sleep in her own room without her brothers stinking up the house the entire night.

Having maids attending to her every need was weird too but she loved it. Y/n had to work very hard for the life she had before and while she was proud of that, it was nice to not lift a finger when she wanted something for once.

She also got closer to Asami during the first night. After dinner, Asami showed Y/n to where she would be staying while at her mansion and ended up staying in her room for a little while to talk. It was nice to have a friend of the same gender for once. She felt like Asami just... got her.

Fast forward to the next day and the group was going for a swim in Asami's indoor pool. Y/n was no water bender but she always considered herself to be a good swimmer. She was swimming in random directions around the pool while Bolin continued to jump in many, many times, annoying Mako and Asami who were trying to lounge on the side of the pool.

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