The Spirit Of Competition

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It had been a few days since Korra faced Amon. Of course he played dirty and ambushed her just as Y/n predicted he would. He didn't end up taking her bending he just wanted to scare her. Y/n had yet to receive an apology from Korra for snapping at her and Y/n was planning to stay angry until she apologized.

However, her anger couldn't keep them apart as they still had to train for the pro-bending tournament and Korra had quit Tarlok's task force which meant she was coming to every practice now.

The squad was in the gym throwing bending at eachother, trying to knock eachother off their feet. Korra seemed oblivious to the fact that Y/n was still angry so Y/n saw this as a perfect opportunity to let her know. All her earth went towards Korra until she was knocked down by Mako as was everybody else. Everybody laughed at being knocked down but not Y/n.

"It's been great having you at so many back to back practices Korra," Mako smiled, standing up and dusting himself off.

"Feels good to be back," Korra responded, "Although Tarlok isn't too happy about my leave of absence."

"Hey, you joined the fire ferrets before you joined his task force," Bolin stated.

"Okay, come on, team huddle time," Mako stated.

Everybody came in to huddle except Y/n. She couldn't believe they just forgot about what happened at the dock. Y/n was really hurt by what Korra said and now they were just pretending like it didn't happen. She stood with her arms crossed, looking away from the three.

"Uh, Y/n? You coming in?" Bolin asked.

Y/n sighed and rolled her eyes slightly before joining the huddle between Bolin and Korra.

Mako cleared his throat, "It's our first match of the tournament tonight. I know the four of us haven't been a team for very long but even so, the fire ferrets have never been this good," Mako stated proudly, "Are we ready?"

"We're ready!" Everybody but Y/n shouted.

"Not quite," Another voice said.

The group turned to see Asami holding a uniform with the future industries logo on the front.

"You'll need these," Asami smiled.

"Hey, Asami," Y/n smiled, pushing past Korra to greet her with Mako.

"Hey, Y/n. Good morning sweetie," Asami greeted.

"These new uniforms look great," Mako said, holding up one.

"You look great, champ," Asami retorted. Mako and Asami began nuzzling noses as the other three rolled their eyes.

"Well, team, I'll see you before the match tonight. Asami and I have a lunch date," Mako stated before walking away with Asami.

"Okay! We'll check you guys later yknow, we'll see you when we see you," Bolin waved.

Korra went to pick up her bag as Bolin walked up to her.

"So... Korra... there they go. Here we are. All alone in the gym," Bolin began. Y/n rolled her eyes, "Just you and me. Two alone people. Together. Alone," He smirked.

Y/n pushed past the two, "I'm still here," She spat, walking away.

"What's her problem?" Y/n heard Korra ask from behind her.

"No clue," Bolin responded.


Back at the apartment, Bolin was trying to give Pabu a bath before the tournament and Mako was making some food while Y/n was in the loft wallowing in her anger towards Korra.

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